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Solange POV
I'm glad to leave Julez with Alan. I couldn't imagine if something like this were to happen to Julez.
Jay's POV
As we are getting ready to go see Beyonce, I give Blue to momma T
Jay: Stand me up *lifts off bed and puts our hand to grab*
Annie: I don't thin-
Jay: STAND ME UP DAMNT!*she immediately helps him stand and they give him a walker*
We're so nervous going to see Beyonce. Im having a full blown heart attack. I'm trying to walk with a walker but my legs hurt from Usher and Becky throwing us around and my arm is in major pain.
Momma G: you want a wheel chair baby?
Jay: yes*slowly falling down on the floor and everyone helps him on wheel chair*
Momma G: Shawn, you ok baby? Are you wake?
Jay: yes Momma please just take me to my wife!
The doc showed us the way and we get to infront of her room. We all go in and the doc leaves to give us a second. She looks so beat up and pale. I break down even harder. I can't believe my wife is dying😭I should be the one in her place. I promised myself that I would always protect them and not leave them alone like my dad. We just had Blue and things were going into another whole new chapter until all this Becky shit happened. The fam gives me a minute with Bey
Jay: baby,*grabs her hand and kisses her cheek* please please make it. This whole family will never be the same without you. I I can't describe how sorry I am Bey. I want you back so much and I love you beyond anything. You and Blue make my world a lot brighter. Don't leave me Bey, please
*Jay and everyone go back to his room 5 mins later*
*in his room*
Momma G: Shawn, I really think you should eat something. You look thirsty and pale.
Jay: I'm not hungry at the moment
I don't give a crap about my body at this time. I can't get Bey in the hospital bed out of my head. We have the tv on watching the news and shockingly this appeared on tv
News anchor: and shocking news, Jay z and Beyoncé had been reportedly in grave danger yesterday at the hands of the world famous star Usher and a model named Becky. The police reports that they went broke into the Carters home and kidnapped them, their daughter Blue Ivy, and the rest of Beyoncé's family. Usher and Becky had taken them to an abandoned barn 30 minutes away from the Carters home. These images of them getting out of this situation is devestating. The police also state that Jay z was shot in his shoulder and Beyoncé had gotten shot in her stomach. There are no updates about their conditions yet and Becky and Usher were both killed by Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams. Destiny's child reunite! But this story is such a tragic incident don't you think Bill?
News anchor next to other one: yes Rachael I completely agree and they just had their first child, Blue Ivy Carter and this is just all crazy. We send our love hope and prayers to the Carter and Knowles family and wish them and their friends the best of luck.
I threw the remote at the tv. It didn't break and i didn't give a shit if it did or not. The doc suddenly comes in the room.
Doc: We are about to do the last operation on Beyonce. I'm promising you we will do everything we can. *scurries away to get Beyonce in surgery*
Jay: *hypervenallating* somebody help me I can't breath! I can't so-
Everyone immediately rushed to jay's side called nurses over. They put on an oxygen masks for him to breath in but it wasn't working. His and heart and body is racing.
Jay: I gotta see my wife I gotta see her!!
He wouldn't calm down so they gave him a shot putting him to sleep.
Nurse: we didn't want him to give himself anymore injury and it's safer for him to be at a calmer state right now. He'll be up in 30-45 mins. *they walk out*
Solange: this is so sad y'all. I don't know what to do to help.
Michelle: we pray*everyone holds hands and prays*
1 hour of waiting...
Doc comes into room and everyone stares.
Doc: *silently crying nodding his head*
Jay: NO! Doc please!
Doc: it's too much. We can't stop it. I'm sorry to inform y'all that Beyoncé has only bout a half hour left to live. She's awake now. I'm so sorry
I-I feel so weak. I love Beyoncé with every grain of my soul. The love of my life gone. We get to Beyoncé's room and she's awake with breathing tubes on her. She looks at us and takes off the oxygen mask. I pull my wheel chair right next to her and I put my hand on hers. I am crying hard and she's crying silently.
Bey: *sounding weak* I love you all so much.
Fam: We love you too❤️*everyone gives her a hug*
Bey: *turns her head and looks at Jay holding Blue* my two love of my lifes. Jay, promise me something?
Jay: Anything baby*kisses her hand*
Bey: take care of our daughter. She proves that I was here. I've done everything that I wanted and it was way more than I thought it would be. You two make my life complete.
Jay: You're not leaving me Bey!
Bey: Shawn, I love you too much to leave you. But maybe this is my time. Promise me that you will take care of Blue no matter what. I'll always be here for you. Dead or alive, I'm always here. You two are my ride or die,
The Bonnie to my Clyde Hova*thug face*
*everyone laughs*
Jay: haha, but I promise you baby, I will take care of our daughter. *sits on the side of her bed and puts Blue on her side*
Blue crawled up to Bey's face and gave her a kiss.
Bey:Blue Blue imma miss you*tearing up hard**gasps and choking*
I quickly took Blue off and put Beyoncé's oxygen mask on. She's slowly closing her eyes. We immediately get the doctor and nurses over and the pushed us out of the room. I don't want to lose her.

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