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Bey's POV
That's it, the gunshot went off but wait, I don't feel completely dead yet. Though i am bleeding from the shot before. Jay and I looked up and everyone else did too and see Usher and Becky shot to death. Its Kelly and Michelle?! YES MY GIRLS!!!
They shot the rest of the bad guys and now we're all free.
Bey: Thanks sistas
Everyone runs to Jay and I's side. I looked up at Jay and he passed out, as did I
Kelly's POV
We always knew Becky was no good. Same wit Usher. We followed their footsteps and saw Beyonce Jay and Mama T get taken out of there house cause we chelle and I live in the house across the street together. We all run to Bey and Jay's side and they're bleeding to death. We call 911 and they were on their rescue. 10 mins later, the ambulances comes with a bunch of police cars. I hope my sis and big bro is going to make it. Nobody here would forgive themselves.
Jay's POV
I'm waking up and I see bey's whole family near my bed. I now see we're in the hospital.
Jay: What happened? Where's Beyonce? Where's my daughter??
Momma T: you're daughter is right here*puts her on his bed* and Beyoncé is in surgery*crying*
All them are crying harder when Beyonce name is mentioned. I hug Blue tight in my arms and cry and cradle her while she's slowly falling asleep. My poor baby has been through soo much. I'm so glad she's safe. I'm physically and mentally numb when I hear that my wife is in surgery. I'm not losing Bey, she gave me my child and our love is so pure and it would shatter me if she didn't make it. I still can't live with myself over the fact that this is all happening.
Jay: Kelly, Chelle, thank you guys for saving our lives. We owe you big time.
Michelle and Kelly: anything for the fam❤️
I look at my shoulder all wrapped up. Suddenly my momma G is running into my room with my sister Annie and they hug and kiss me crying crazy.
Momma G: baby, are you ok?  Annie and I have been worried to death. Momma T told me the whole thing. How's Beyonce? How's Blue?
Jay: momma, I'm ok, Blue is ok,*points towards blue in his arms asleep* Beyonce I'm praying ma, Im-im scared!😭*everyone hugs Jay in his bed* the love of my life is in surgery and I don't want to lose her. I can't lose her 😭
*doctor walks in room*
Doc: Beyoncé Knowles  Carter -
Fam: yes!
Doc: Well, umm, she was shot in a very bad place within her abdomen. It caused many damages to her inside and organs. With that she lost a lot of blood so we gave her blood transfusion. We tried to stop the internal bleeding and there are too many nerves and organs damaged. She is currently on life support. I'm very sorry. We tried as hard as we can but we're not giving up on her yet. I think we should do one more surgery. It doesn't hurt to try at this point.
*Everyone is beyond crying and Jay is breaking down horribly. Everyone is huddled up around Jay giving him comfort and support. This was the same doc from previous times.*
Jay: *choking on his tears* please do everything you can to save the love of my life!😭
Doc:*walks over to Jay and puts his hand on Jay's shoulder* Shawn, I will try everything I can. I'm not going to give up on her. *walks to door way and makes quick announcement* if you all want to see her, she's a few rooms down. Just be gentle please.
Everyone: ok

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