Part 11: Puzzle Pieces

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I think it's cause I'm on trimester break that I feel like updating so frequently. 

NEWS: If you don't already know, Apartment No.4 - Mason's Story has the first chapter ready to read! Woohoo!! Go check it out - after you've read this of course ahah

Hope you all enjoy! So so so much love for you all xx

"You've got to be shitting me!" I laughed, wandering into the kitchen to do the same. "You're so insecure, why can't you just accept the fact that I've been with you for five years and that actually means something?"

"I get it; Dan wasn't available so you went for the next best thing," he rolled his eyes and I could feel my blood boiling.

"I'm not having this conversation with you,"

"Why not? You started it," I wanted to pick something up and throw it at him. I wanted to punch a hole in the wall. I wanted to pack up my shit and leave.

"Good night," I sighed and walked into the bedroom with him hot on my tail.

"Stop doing that! Stop walking away from me when I'm talking to you!" He raised his voice and slammed the door behind him.

I laughed knowing it aggravated him. I'm not better than him, he's explosive and I'm antagonistic... at least, I am now. 

"Shut up, Isaac. What are you trying to be? Maybe you should be a with a girl who will actually let you be a manipulative psycho. Who will let you go about your life with no regard to hers. 'If you look for perfection, you'll never be content' ."
I stared coldly and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't quote Tolstoy and expect it to have any effect on me," he grunted, crossing his arms over his chest making the muscles of his biceps bulge from the tension.

"See, this is what I mean! You're the embodiment of Alexei!"

"If I was, I wouldn't care that you go around making eyes at every guy you pass!" He flung his arms to his sides and I flinched.

I grabbed my bag quickly, pushing through the bedroom door with a thump and sprinted to the front door.

He chased after me down the stairs, I could hear his heavy feet tumbling against the concrete. I tripped when I reached one of the landings and felt my hands sting from the fall but didn't give the opportunity to examine them as I made my way down the next flight of stairs. When I pushed the heavy swinging door to the garage open with a bang I got in my car and prayed that now wasn't the time it decided to break down.

I peeled out of the driveway and drove in circles for fifteen minutes to make sure he wasn't following me.


"Why would he say that?" asked Lys as she cleaned the scrapings on my hands in the bathroom.

"Because he's an arsehole." I stated plainly and she nodded in agreement.

She put big white plasters on my hands for the time being - or at least until I went home to have a shower - so the antiseptic would clean the cuts.

The scrapes weren't deep but they were covering the heel of my palms and the underside of the knuckles of each hand. I wasn't really a clumsy person so I was surprised that I'd managed to trip over my feet. My knees hurt a bit too.

"Just keep them clean," she said with a sweet smile and made me sit down while she made me a coffee and put some bought biscuits on a plate.

"Thanks, Lys, I hope you don't mind my staying over?" I said when she brought me mug of scolding hot tea.

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