The Contract of Rewrite (Part 2)

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Created by: rewrite

Written by: rewrite

Edited by: rewrite and ohdriscoll

Dedicated to: hczeltree

Song that inspired this part:


Part 2

Hellbent Account

"Nothing. No idea. Useless. Empty. Brain," cried a sixteen-year-old Rewrite, in an author's slump. She repeatedly slammed her head on her desk, trying to come up with anything that was even relatively close to a plot.

    She lifted her head while rubbing it as she continued to think. It was the beginning of September of 2014 and the young girl turned to a website where she could share and read stories from all around the world. She hoped that the website would help her become a better author. For months she thought it had been working, but she found that no one was reading her books. She wanted people to read them and comment their thoughts. But she had none, not even a single vote.

But she wanted them now.

So, she did her research and looked around the website on the popular books the users like to read. She found out that the reason no one was reading her books is that she had no talent for writing.

"I want to make a unique book that no one has ever seen, but how am I going to do it? I'm not a great writer and I'll never be if no one reads my books," the teen spoke aloud to herself. Then she blinked. "And now I'm speaking out loud. Great. I'm going crazy."

Suddenly, she heard a loud crashing sound from behind her that made her jump up in fright. When she turned, she found three oddly familiar strangers standing in front of her.

One had blue skin with hair made of fire. The other one was thin with a voodoo vibe to him and the last one looked like human octopus.

She opened her mouth to scream, but the blue-skinned stranger stopped her from doing so.

"Shhhhh. Don't be alarmed," he spoke in a demon voice. "We're here to help you."

Rewrite eyes widen with fear. "How are three villain's of Disney going to help me?" Then she gasped. "Wait a crocodile minute! What are you guys doing here?" Her fingers frantically enclosed around a pen. "What do you want with me? I will use this," she threatened.

Ursula calmly moved the pen away from her. "We are here because we want to help you."

"H-help me?"

The shadow man bowed and tipped his hat at the girl. "Indeed we shall, Miss Rose."

Rewrite's eyes widened once again.

"Oops, we should have probably have told you that we already know who you are, Miss Rewrite Rose Plot Twister." Hades grinned.

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