The Contract of Rewrite (Part 3)

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Created By: rewrite

Written By: rewrite , ohdriscoll , hczeltree and xanderwrites

Edited by: ohdriscoll and rewrite

Art by: rewrite

Dedicated to: xanderwrites

Songs that inspire this part: My Songs Know What you did in the Dark

Gravity Falls (Remixed Theme)

Part 3

Take back the Account

"You bitch! How could you?" Both Xander and Ellie-Hazel watched in horror as the ground where Rewrite laid is now slowly disappearing. In a blink of an eye, only the rose signaled where Rewrite had just been.

The dark haired girl had her back to the two heroes, giggling like a maniac. She lifts her head and tilted it slightly in their direction, with a spectacular grin on her face. "I did what I had to do," she informed them, fingering the green streak in her hair. In the mist of all this, her large wolf now stood by her side, eyeing them. "There's a devil on my shoulder where the angel used to be and he's calling me the Queen."

Before their very eyes Angel's new evil outfit was complete; her kindly look was no more. In its place, she wore a wicked getup of black-and-green fitted leather pants and a tea-length duster with a matching tail coat. To complete her look, a forest green cape draped around her arms.

 To complete her look, a forest green cape draped around her arms

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She is indeed a true villain.

Red eyed, Xander hissed, "You're no Queen!"

Angle responds with giggle before looking at the blonde girl. Ellie-Hazel's eyes grew misty, tears beginning to run like twin waterfalls over her cheeks. "R-Rose.." She collapses to her knees, eyes locked on the rose.

Xander stretched his fingers and back out like a cat unsheathing its claws, cursing under his breath. He watched Angel stroll over to Ellie-Hazel like the cruel villain she is. He cursed again, reproaching himself at how he was a fool to believe Angel was their friend.

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