Gamora's mother

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Gamora's mother
Forgotten Marvel Character

Gamora's motherForgotten Marvel Character

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*Looks at profile*

Sparky: oh no. Calm down.

Rewrite: Is that?

Sparky: Please calm down.

Rewrite: *coughs up blood* F-ing finally! After two years of 700 followers, I now have 800 followers!

Rewrite: *coughs up blood* F-ing finally! After two years of 700 followers, I now have 800 followers!

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Thank you. Thank you so do much fellow readers/followers! It means SO much.

Sparky: Also, not how we plan to start off today's chapter?

Rewrite: You're right. But we can just snap our fingers and get this chapter started.

Sparky: Oh no.

Rewrite: *Snaps fingers*


No no, no disappearing jokes here. Just forgotten character talk!

It took awhile but I finally found someone who stuck out the most and was only mentioned/seen in this movie alone.

Gamora's mother.

When Gamora was very young, the interplanetary warlord Thanos killed half of her species, the Zehoberei

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When Gamora was very young, the interplanetary warlord Thanos killed half of her species, the Zehoberei. Although she and her mother attempted to hide, they were quickly found by Thanos' soldiers and taken out to the spotlight. Gamora fought off the soldier restraining her, an act that Thanos himself saw, which earned her the Titan's interest in her. He took her aside and taught her his beliefs on balance by symbolizing it with balancing a knife on his finger and asked her to do the same. When his soldiers began the massacre, Gamora turned and almost saw her people being massacred.

However, Thanos turned her attention back onto the knife and complimented her when she finally balanced the dagger. While her mother were among those killed, Thanos spared and raised her as his own child.

Rewrite: Another one bites the dust.

Sparky: REWRITE!

Rewrite: What?? Too soon? Also can anyone explain to why Nick was in Georgia of all places?

As seen here:

Sparky: That's because-

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Sparky: That's because-

Rewrite: I KNOW! Atlanta is the Hollywood. I just thought it was funny how I was able to recognize Atlanta in the end credits.

So we are we all feeling good?

Sparky: That's enough of you and the bad jokes. I'm ending this.

Source: http://marvelcinematicuniverse

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