(53)Love next door

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When the elevator door opened i walked forward to get to the door of my apartment when i see someone with boxes struggling to get inside from having to hold too many at once.

My name is Arthit Rojinpat i am a 26 year old man , i live in a apartment building number 206 i have been living by my self since i graduated from high school and i lived in the dorms of the university for 4 years and then 2 years ago i moved in this apartment after i graduated from university.

I studied engineering for 4 years and now i am just an ordinary guy who works at a company. My life is average , my whole childhood was filled with the feeling of love and getting worried for from my parents even until now , i have great friends who can be annoying at times or wait they're annoying all the time but they were a big help for those 4 years of studying , they kept me steady and helped me when i needed it the most.

Well anyway the apartment next to me number 205 has been empty for a long time until now i guess there's now someone moving in. I walked over to him and held the boxes before they almost toppled over "Oh sorry" the new guy says "it's alright do you need help?"

Our eyes met i don't know why but i felt an electric , sparkling feeling when my eyes set on them "oh no i don't want to be a burden" 

"you won't be you're the new guy here so i'll help" he had a faint smile "thank you" 

Arthit helped the new guy with getting his things inside "anything else you need help with?" he had his hands on his hips and looked around the room with his boxes everywhere and then at the person in front of him "no everything's done i just need to open the boxes and organise them but i can do that myself but thank you for helping it was nice meeting a kind neighbour on the first day" again with the faint smile

"it was no big deal" the new guy scratched the back of his neck "oh i forgot to say my names Kongpob , Kongpob Suthiluck" having his hand out "my names Arthit Rojinpat" shaking the hand that was out.

"you look pretty young" he put his hands in his jeans pocket once they let go of each others hands "ahh i guess so i'm only 24" i thought he would be younger from the way he looks but he's only 2 years younger "huh well i'm 26"

"i guess i should call you P'Arthit then" don't know why but that feeling of being electrified was once felt again in my body as he said my name "uh yea i guess you do haha"

"well uhh P'Arthit i would invite you for tea for helping me out but as you can see i need to find it" as he chuckled softly "ahh it's fine , i helped at my own will anyway"

"i at least do have to owe you though not accepting a no" he seemed the guy who doesn't like to get indebted to others so i had to accept "ok fine when?"

"hmm? are you free tomorrow after 6?" i nodded "i think i will be"

"good , meet me at the vafe that's across the street" cafe? across the street? "oh the new place that opened up?" he nodded "it's new? that's good that means we both can try it , but of course i'm paying since i'm treating"

i couldn't argue with him about this because if you don't focus on his age i can actually tell i could lose the argument easily , after we agreed or mostly i agreed i left his apartment and went inside my own and totally just flopped myself on the couch from a long day of tiring work.

i could hear noises of foot steps and things shifting around from next door , he's probably starting to unpack , wow he's already starting it took me a month to unpack my things i don't know if that's called laziness or untidy but he's definitely different from me.


Arthit woke up to with the sound of chirping birds and the sun shining in.

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