(72)Secret admirer?

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Recently something has been bothering Arthit, it started when he was staying at Kongpob's dorm for a night when there was a a folded white note on the floor slid inside through the crack under the door, Kongpob had picked it up and put it on the table without even looking at it.

Arthit doesn't know what to think but just be suspcious about it. 

"P'Arthit, what do you want for dinner?" Arthit was to absorbed into his own thoughts that he didn't realise Kongpob had been talking to him "P'Arthit", the junior repeated his name with no response whatsover, with no other choice he simply waved his hand infront of his lovers blank face "P'Arthit, did you hear me?, is something bothering you?"

Arthit: "No, i'm fine sorry what did you say?"

Kongpob: "P'Arthit, you can't lie to me, you've been acting weird for the past few days"

Arthit: "You're the one that has been acting weird"

Arthit's POV

The nerve of this guy, this pisses me off.. why does this piss me off so much, he would tell me if it was important right?... normally something like this wouldn't get to me but for some reason this  is bothering me..

"Nevermind, forget it everythings fine" Kongpob being stubborn he probably won't let this go since i have gone and said something about it now "P'Arthit, if i've ever done something to cause you to overthink just tell me, but since you won't tell me i won't force you"

Huh? did i hear that right, he's not going to bug me about it? this is more suspicious now... without thinking i picked up my pace and walked ahead of Kongpob, he starts to yell behind me telling me to slow down, i won't slow down.. hope you get tired from catching up to me..

After that Kongpob started acting strange, he started distancing himself from me, or that's what it felt like, he probably tried to not make me notice it, but how could i not when THE KONGPOB refused to stay over at my place or i to stay at his place? something like that from him is just out of the ordinary.. i know he isn't busy with exams at this moment. He would still drop me off at my dorm but then leave once i was inside, not even asking for a kiss.. this guy sometimes couldn't go a day without at least having some kind of skin ship with me...

"I've had enough" i voiced loudly by accident having the guys stare at me in confusion "does this have to do with Kongpob?"  Toota whsipered to Bright

"Don't think i can't hear you there Toota" 

"is everything okay Arthit?" Knott asked me, hearing the concern tone in his  voice "i'm not sure of that myself" 

"If it's to do with Kongpob, then you should probably talk to him.." 

Knott is right, but it's usually Kongpob who brings these kind of things up whenever theres a problem... maybe he's sick of me because i never initiate things in our relationship.. this is really reeling my head in.

As i took both my hands of my head i see Kongpob walking past with the phone in his hand, he seemed to be texting someone..


The source of sound was coming from my phone, and as i expected it was from Kongpob

Kongpob: "P'Arthit where are you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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