Chapter Eighteen

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{Betty's POV}

   My heart was racing as I watched Jughead zoom away alongside the Ghoulies leader, Malachi. The man I stabbed. The road of engines began fading, be replaced by soft chatter.

   "You okay, Betts?" Veronica asked, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I just need him to get through this... and preferably win" I stated, my nails digging into the palms of my hands as I stared out to where the car had disappeared.

"He will, girl! I don't know Jughead well, but I do know that you are important to him. More important than he is to himself" she states. My stomach churned at the thought, both happiness and fear flowing through me.

"He'll be fine, Betty. He's our King, he won't give up without a fight" Fangs stated. I just smiled as the roar of an engine filled my ear. I turned to be faced with both Jugheads car and Malachi's. As everyone moved to the side, my heart rate quickened. They were head to head, nearing the finish line.

1000 feet away, Malachi slammed his passenger side into Jugheads driver side. I let out a gasp, Veronica's hand clenching my arm. As they got closer I couldn't help but fear the worst. The Serpents mean the world to Jug, to lose them to the Ghoulies would kill him.

Barely 200 feet from the finish line, Jugheads retracts by smashing his drivers side into Malachi's car. Causing him to be slightly ahead, I can fully understand what happens.

Jughead pressed the Noss.

Within seconds, Jugheads car is flying across the finish line past us all. The Serpents and I are screaming in pure joy while the Ghoulies are walking towards they're leader, who seems very pissed.

As Jughead exits the car, a smile already plastered on his face, I run to him. Maybe it's cliche and dumb, but all I wanted was my arms wrapped around him. All I want is to know that he is okay.

"Hey there, Juliet" he whispers in my ear as he squeezes me tight. As he let's go, everyone crowds us. Cheering in joy and giving Jughead all the praise he deserves.

"All hail the King!!" We all start chanting. As I look at Jug, I see his smile. He's so proud, and so happy. He just saved the people he looks at as family.

"Jones!!" A familiar voice yells. Everyone goes quiet as Malachi and Penny begin walking towards us. He's angry, his painted face nearly dropping with sweat. My hands grips Jugheads jacket as our eyes follow the Ghoulies moves.

"What do you want, Malachi?" Jughead states. His smile has disappeared as he looks at the people who are labeled his enemies.

"Looks like you won, Jones" he stated, a very angry Penny standing beside him. My eyes caught hers, nothing but pure rage flowed through her.

   "Will you keep your word? You'll staying out of Riverdale for good?" FP intervened.

   "Well keep our word, FP" Penny said, a small smirk forming on her face. With that, Jughead and Malachi shook hands and the Ghoulies all turned away and headed home.

   Penny stayed.

   "Leave Penny, you're not welcome here" Jughead stated.

   "I may not be.... but I still have a bone to pick with you, Jughead" she stated. I felt his body tense up beside me. "After you banished me, I did some thinking. When you're daddy here, was first becoming Serpent King, he made me a promise" she paused, her eyes meeting FPs. "He broke that promise. And now I want payback."

"What does any of that have to do with me or my Serpents?" Jughead asked. That question caused her smile to grow wider than I've ever seen.

"Has your girl here done the dance yet?" She asked, motioning to me. Jughead became even more tense, his eyes never leaving Penny. "Have you danced in front of all these men, sweetie? Has Jughead told you the origin of the dance?" As she says this, she moves closer to me. Her eyes boring into my soul as she looked me over.

"Penny, stop" Jughead pleaded.

"What Jughead? She knows about the dance, right?" Penny asked. My mind was swirling with confusion and fear.


   "Yes, I know about the dance. I'm actually doing it tomorrow night" I interrupted. Her eyebrows furrowed some as I felt all eyes on me. "What, do you want to watch?" I asked.

   "I'll be there tomorrow night" Penny states. I stood my ground, my eyes never leaving her. "Be ready, Jughead" she stated before turning on her heels and entering one of the Ghoulies cars.

   "Why would you say that?" Jughead asked.

   "It's just a stupid dance, Jug." I groaned.

   "But you don't understand Betty! It's not just-"

   "She's doing the dance, boy." FP stated. Jugheads eyes snapped to his, the look on his face showed nothing but pure rage.

   "Jughead, I will be fine" I stated, placing my hand on his cheek. Something was wrong, very wrong. As I stood there, my eyes locked on Jugheads, I couldn't help but wonder...

   Why is he so bent up about the dance? What is he hiding?

   "Betty! You're doing the dance tomorrow?" Veronica asked, concern in her eyes. I nodded. "You're doing the dance on your 21st birthday!"

   "Wait, your birthdays tomorrow?" Jughead asked. I just nodded again, with a chuckle. "I will make this a birthday you'll never forget, Juliet" he whispered in my ear. Shivers went down my spine as everyone began the journey back to the White Worm.



Sorry this chapter kind of sucks, I'll hopefully be posting one more today!!

-Danii LeeAnn

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