Chapter Twenty Nine

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{Betty's POV}

"Are you ready, Jug?" I ask as he stops in front of the closed bedroom door. He was looking like his usual self, his beanie hiding most of his black hair, his dark clothes and his Serpent jacket. It's been two days since he's seen or talked to anyone, and he's finally coming out.

"As ready as I'll ever be" he sighed. I sent a small smile his way as I entangled my fingers in his. With one last look, I turned the knob and pushed the squeaky door open. Everyone was standing around as usual, chatting and playing pool. I could feel his body tense up beside me as we quietly made our way down the stairs. Being quiet didn't hide us well though, as Fangs eyes found us.

"Jug!!!" He exclaimed coming towards us. As if on queue, everyone's eyes turned to us. Applause started as we made our way down the stairs. I was confused, why was everyone applauding?

"All hail the king!!" They chanted, answering my question. "All hail the queen!!" I couldn't help but chuckle as I wasn't used to the title. As we walked towards the bar, people patted Jughead on the back and a few told him that they missed him. He was easing up, at least until he saw her.

Jellybean was sitting at the bar, smiling at Jughead and I as we grew closer.

"Hey, it's okay" I whispered to him. His eyes don't leave hers as we reach her, Cheryl and Toni.

"Look who finally came out of hiding!" Toni exclaimed jokingly. Jug forced out a small laugh as he stood awkwardly next to the bar.

"Why didn't you come out for two days, Jug?" Jellybean asked, confusion and sadness in her eyes. He looked to me, probably wondering if I told her the events that occurred in the bedroom. I shook my head slightly.

"I was just avoiding our mother, JB" he sighed, shoving his hands in his pocket.

"But then you were also avoiding me...." she said, lowering her head. I could tell that hurt Jughead, he shifted awkwardly before getting closer to her.

   "Jellybean, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to make you feel as though I was avoiding you. I've missed you so much JB...." he practically whispered. Her eyes met his, tears beginning to fill them.

   "I don't want to leave, Jug.... I want to stay here with you and dad!" She cried. She fell into Jugheads chest. My heart ached at the scene. "Can I please stay here with you???"

   "Jellybean... you know that's not my decision to make..." he trailed. As I watched them, I couldn't help but feel saddened. The past few days I've been able to understand more about Jughead than ever before. But I've also been more in the dark than ever with him.

   "Can't you talk to her and dad?? Tell them that I'd rather be here! I've tried talking to her before, all she does is push me away!!" Jellybean pleaded. The look in Jugheads eyes was of pure fear and anger. Thinking of talking with his mother again was, from what I can see, his biggest fear. He stuttered, trying to think of an answer to give her.

   "Umm, how about I go talk to them?" I offered. They both turned to me, Jellybean filled with hope and Jug filled with confusion and fear.

   "Can you please!?" She pleaded. My eyes locked with Jugheads, confusion flowing through them.

   "I'll be right back" I said to him before placing a kiss on his cheek. As I made my way to one of the spare rooms, I tried to figure out what to say. In all seriousness, this wasn't my place. This was up to Jughead, his parents and Jellybean. But I couldn't just stand by and allow him to do something I knew he was scared to do.

   As I walked into the room, their small chatter quickly stopped as they turned to me.

   "Betty... um, how are you?" FP said awkwardly. I couldn't tell if he was asking that after he pushed me to the ground or about what happened with Jughead.

   "I'm alright..." I trailed off. "I actually came in here to talk to you... to both of you" I said, my eyes finally meeting his mothers. "Jellybean wants to stay here... with Jughead and you FP" I stated.

   "I've already explained to her that that's not what's in her best interest" Gladys Inputted. I looked to see FP, his eyes filled with sadness as he shoved his hands in his pocket. "We're going back to Toledo tomorrow"

   "Is that what's best for her or what's best for you?" I asked before I could stop myself. The room fell silent for a moment, both Gladys and FP looking at me in disbelief.

   "Excuse me?" Gladys whispered.

   "Is that what's best for her or for you?? Because from where I'm standing, it's what's best for you." I stated.

   "Who even are you? She is my daughter! You have no idea what you're talking about!" She exclaimed. My eyes trailed to FP, who stood there with his head lowered.

   "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Betty. I'm the queen of the Serpents. Now, forgive me if I'm wrong but, you're Gladys. FPs ex-wife. Jellybeans mother. Oh wait, you're also Jugheads mother. You remember him? Your son? The son you abandoned with his abusive alcoholic father?" I said, slowly getting closer to her. Her eyes were wide with fear as she looked at me, her breathing heavy.

   "S-Serpent Queen? Y-your Jugheads..." she stuttered.

   "You abandoned your son. You made him feel as though he means nothing to you. You kept his daughter away from him for so long. The fact that she is out there begging to stay here should tell you that leaving, taking her away once again, is not what's best for her." I stated. Tears had began falling down her cheeks. "Now I don't know everything that happened before you left, and I'm sure what happened was not okay. But abandoning your son, refusing to speak to him for years, is not okay either." Her cheeks were stained with tears as she forced herself to look in my eyes. "Let Jellybean stay here. Get to know her father and brother. Whether you stay here as well, that's up to you. But give that little girl the chance to know the family you took her away from. She deserves it"

   "We will talk about arrangements..." FP said after a few moments of silence. I nodded with a small smile as my eyes met his. "Thank you..." he mouthed. I nodded once more before turning on my heels and beginning to exit the room.

"Wait.." Gladys said. I stopped, turning to face her. "Do you think he will ever forgive me?" She asked.

"Honestly... I'm not sure. Jughead has a very hard head. But he also has a very big heart." I stated. "You just need to give him time, that's the only thing you can do right now." I sighed.

"Thank you.... thank you for taking care of my boy...." she said, more tears streaming down her cheeks. My response was a smile and nod before I turned and headed out the door.

As I'm walking, I can't help but think about my mother. After everything she did to me, she abandoned me just like Jugs mother. But as I said those words to her, I questioned myself.

Could I forgive my own mother for what she did?

Hey guys!!!

Is Jellybean going to stay?? Or will Gladys take her away once again??

-Danii LeeAnn

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