Chapter Fourty Six

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{Betty's POV}

"Push, Elizabeth, push!!" The doctor order as I lay sweating and shaking on the very uncomfortable hospital bed. I groaned in agonizing pain as I followed her orders and pushed once more.

"Almost there!! Our babies almost here!!" Jughead exclaimed at my side as he assuringly held my hand. While I wanted to smile at him, I was filled with nothing but excruciating pain.

"One more push!" The doctor yelled. This was it, the final push. The room was spinning as I gathered all the strength I could and pushed. I pushed hard. Within seconds, the pain was eased and small cried filled my ears. I leaned back on the propped up bed, breathing heavily as I watched the doctor instruct Jughead on how to cut the umbilical cord. His eyes were wide as he followed the instructions of the doctor. Within seconds he was back by my side, waiting anxiously to meet our baby.

"You did amazing, Juliet... I'm so proud of you" he whispered against my head as he kissed it. I smiled at him but was soon averted towards the doctor.

"Elizabeth... Jughead... congratulations, you have a baby girl" she smiled, holding a little ball of pink. As she set the frail baby in my arms, my heart automatically grew. She was beautiful. No longer crying, but with a smile on her face as she wiggles about. She had the smallest amount of black cuz on her head, obviously getting that from her father. "What are you going to name her?"

   I looked up at Jughead, who did the same and looked down at me. We had, had conversations before about possible names but never really landed on just one.

   "Emory.... Emory Jones" Jughead said with a smile. As I looked at him, I couldn't help but smile back. Emory. I remember it was a name we were stuck on for awhile.

   "Emory Lynn Jones" I added. I had always had a fascination with the name, Lynn. The doctor nodded as she went to get all the papers. "Jug.... do you want to hold her" I asked with a knowing smile. His eyes widened but he almost immediately nodded his head yes. With shaking hands, he carefully took Emory from my arms. As he stared down at the beautiful bundle of joy we made, I nearly came to tears. Happy tears, of course. He was gushing with happiness.

   As I watched him, I knew it. We made it. After everything we've been through, we finally made it.

  As I'm watching the room get cleaned over the next hour, along with myself, I can't help but think about the day I met Jughead in the auto shop. The way we acted towards each other, still makes me laugh to this day.

   "Are you ready for them to come in, Juliet?" Jughead asked as I stared down at our beautiful daughter. I only nodded, my smile never leaving. Within minutes, the room was filling with our family. All the girls cooed and the guys said they congratulations as they all stared at Emory.

   "Soooooooo, what's her name!?!?!?" Veronica exclaimed causing me to laugh.

   "Emory.... Emory Lynn Jones" I smiled, my eyes connecting with Jugheads.

   "Her nickname is already Emmy" Fangs shouted as though he claimed the name. I laughed. As I watched the room fall into happy conversation, I was at peace. My family was all her, my mom, V, Jughead, everyone who I cared about. And as I looked at my amazing family, I know that I'll never have to worry about Emory's safety, because she has an army behind her. Protecting her. Loving her.

   My beautiful daughter.


Hey everyone!!!

I'm so sorry these last chapters are really short!!! Sadly, this book is almost over :( I feel as though it's a good place to end, not this chapter but soon!!

Emory Lynn Jones!!!!!! ITS A GIRL!!!!!!

Betty's a mommy!!!!!!!

I decided not to name her Juliet because I feel that's a name for Jughead to call Betty :)

-Danii LeeAnn

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