Chapter Twenty Six

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{Jugheads POV}

   As we pull up to The White Worm, I don't notice any differences on the outside. Stripping off our helmets, I lace my fingers with Betty's as we make our way to the door. The moment we walk through I'm bombarded with laughter and music, nothing out of the ordinary for a bar.

   "I'm gonna find Cheryl, you going to be okay?" I ask Betty. She nods with a smile before placing a kiss on my cheek. As I make my way through the crowd, I scan for the familiar red hair. But what catches my eyes is something completely different. Sitting on one of the sofas is a young girl, about 14. She was surrounded by Sweetpea, Toni and Joaquin. "Jellybean?" I say as I grow closer. Her eyes snap to mine and immediately brighten.

   "Jughead!!" She exclaimed as she runs to me and throws her arms around me. As I hug her, I'm nearly brought to tears. I haven't seen nor talked to my little sister since she was 10 years old. As I hold her, I practically refuse to let go.

   "How are you? Are you okay? Where's Dad?" I ramble causing her to laugh.

   "I am good, yes I am okay and dad is with mom right now" she states, her smile never fading.

   "Moms here?" I ask, a weird twinge in my heart thinking about seeing my mother. Jellybean nods as her gaze traces over to my side. Confused, I look to see Betty walking up with Cheryl and Veronica.

   "So this must be the famous Jellybean we've all been hearing about?" Veronica asked. I could tell Jellybean was nervous as she looked at me wondering what to do.

   "Jellybean, this is Cheryl and Veronica" I introduce. "Veronica is one of the newest recruits and Cheryl has been here a few years."

   "Hi.." she says shyly. They smile and say hi back before taking a seat around us.

   "And this, is Betty. She is my queen" I smile as I wrap my arm around Betty's waist. "Which means she's my girlfriend" I jokingly whisper.

   "Hi Jellybean" Betty says softly, a warm smile bouncing off of her.

   "Betty is the one who found out where you were taken" I state. Jellybean looks at me, confusion and fear in her eyes. "It's okay, she's really nice" I whisper.

   "You're my brothers girlfriend?" She asks Betty.

   "I am." Betty replies with a smile.

   "You're really pretty" and with that, Betty laughs nervously as I can't help but smile at the two.

   "I'm definitely not as pretty as you" Betty says as they both go to take a seat with the others. As I watch them start a conversation, I think about my mother. The woman who left my father and I when things got rough.

   "I'll be right back, okay?" I say to both Betty and Jellybean. With a nod in response I make my way to one of our few private rooms. As I enter, chatter fills my ears and soon my mother and father. Once they notice my presence, the room falls silent as my eyes connect with my mothers. She doesn't look much different than before, only slightly longer hair.

   "Hi Jughead..." she trails off as she pushes herself to her feet. I say nothing, standing there. I don't know what to say.

   "Say hi to your mother, boy" my father demands, only causing my anger to rise. The woman that stands in front of me doesn't nothing but remind me of before. When she left, taking my sister to a better home. When she left me with an alcoholic father. "Boy"

   "I have nothing to say to her." I state. She tenses up.

   "Dammit boy, she is your mother"

   "The mother that left me!" I state, my anger growing. "The mother that left me here, with my alcoholic father"

   "Jughead, I-" she began saying, though I interrupted.

   "No. you don't get to say anything to me. You left me here, practically alone. You don't care about me, you never have!" I yell.

   "Of course I care about you! I was just doing what I thought was best.." she pleaded as tears began running down her cheeks.

   "So you thought it was best to leave your son here with an alcoholic father?"

   "I'm sorry Jug...." she whispers as more tears fall from her eyes. As I watch her, I can't help but feel lost. The woman in front of me, my mother, who left me to fend for myself.

   "Jughead, you need to hear your mother out" my father tries pushing.

   "No, actually I don't" I say before turning on my heels to walk out the door. Suddenly my fathers large hands are gripping my jacket and throwing me towards a wall. "What the fuck!?"

   "You listen here boy! Your mother is trying to make this right!" He yells in my face as he pushes me against the wall.

   "FP..." she says, trying to pull him away from me.

   "No! You need to pull your head out of your ass Jughead! She's trying to be a mother!!!" He screams, pushing me harder and harder against the wall. Right as I'm about to speak, the door opens to reveal Betty. Her eyes glaze over with fear and anger as she sees the situation I'm in.

  "Get off of him!" She yells as she grabs my father arm and try's pulling him off of me. Though my father is a big man, he pushes her to the ground in one angry swoop. My blood begins boiling seeing her hit the ground with such force caused by my father. I'm blinded by rage as I bring up my fist and punch him in the side of the head. As he falls away, I rush to Betty's side. "I'm okay" she says as she stands to her feet.

   "Don't you ever fucking touch her again!!!" I scream at my father. His eyebrows are furrowed as he just looks at me, my mother by his side. "You left me! And you were in prison!" I scream at them both. I could feel tears begin to fill my eyes. Betty places a hand on my chest, not allowing me to walk towards them. As I'm looking at them together, I can't help but notice my mothers eyes locked on Betty. I can't understand the emotion behind them.

   "Jughead... let's go okay?" Betty whispers. I don't break my gaze from my parents, so many emotions running through me. "Juggie...." that name causes me to shift my focus to her, her calming eyes breaking away the anger inside me. With one last glance, I wrap my arm around her waist and leave my so called parents to themselves. The only people mattering, are Jellybean and Betty.

Hey everyone!!!

It's kind of crappy... it'll get better!!!!

-Danii LeeAnn

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