Chapter Seventeen

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"Goodnight, Luke"

The Villain's plans were in motion, well trying to be. They only have at least 12 hours before their clone hero- Roy Harper aka Red Arrow, bugged all the leaguer's putting the hero's under their mind control.
But what wasn't going their way, were the Gods. Every Device seemed to only control the God's for a few commands before breaking and freeing them. The only immortals that weren't having any problems With their mind control, was Zeus, Ares, and Artemis.

At first they thought the only Olympians, that they needed to work on were Poseidon, Here, Hades, Apollo, and Hestia. But slowly the villains mind controlling bugs broke. Leaving them with only the main three. The one's who were bugged by the Villains deceased partner Jason Grace.

What Brain can gather was that the Demigod(Jason) who gave them the key to Olympus and helped them take over, had done something to the devices on those three Gods to make it work. In the mean time, with those three Gods and the demigod's in the Villain's control. They can keep the other Immortals at bay. Which ment chaining them and putting a muzzel on Aphrodite to keep her from charm speaking.

Which helped them with following out their plan. Serpent has been off Radar. And the Villains need her help, for most of the Gods were actually afraid of the Villain. Which the Villains later found out, Serpent was a child of Poseidon.

With Lex Luther and Brain working on Deceives that will keep the Gods in their Control. The other Villains finished their plotting

|Due to Actually forgetting about the Minor Gods, I shall put them In now.|

Queen Bee and Savage were ordering many Demigods to find where the Minor Gods are hidding. Having to found only a few. The Villains believe the Minor Gods are escaping some how.

Making the Demigods act like their hounds. Queen Bee sat in Demeter's Garden and seemed to relax there.

I mean who wouldn't it's Olympus! A place thought to be a myth almost 2 years ago.

"Bee," Savage walked over to Queen Bee, "Brain and Luther think they finally found what was missing- for the mind control on the Gods." With that said the two made their way back to the throne room.

"So, It is a unknown metal he used." Luther spoke.

"Not unknown." Brain snapped, "The proper word is Unusual metal." Brain seemed to be cutting a silver and golden chest plates from the weaponary. "These two metals are popular use for Demigods in the Myths."

"And looking at the device on thunder pants you realised that Jason used this 'Myth' metal." Savaged looked at the two.

"From what I can gather The Greek Gods and demigods use Celestial Bronze, while the Roman Gods and their children use Imperial Gold." Brain finished cutting the chest plates into pieces.

"So, we need to use both metals, as are Bugs Base." Lex added.

"Well what are you waiting for boys." Queen Bee asked, "Get some God's under our Control."

Percy sat on the bed ment for her in thought. She couldn't sleep. All she can remember are the quests. Then her trip to Tartarus. As she thought the more everything seemed to mash up. And become a big day dream.

As Percy remembered her time in Tartarus, her veins seemed to glow black before fading away. This left Percy's fingers ((Once Again)) wanting the feeling on a knife or her sword with hers hands. The sweet feeling of destroying things on purpose. Stealing stuff that was the Gods for fun. It flew her to the moon.

"I curse her with Darkness."

Grabbing her gear. Percy checked On Luke one more time before leaving. Luke was only 3 day's old. So his sleep schedule was around 16 hours a day or more. (Percy doesn't really remember how many hours a newborn sleeps for.)

She needs to cause some chaos.

Coming into a near by town, Percy looked around seeing nothing really to do. The more she waited the more fidgety her hands got. The more she waited too, more she craved that free fall feeling.

Her eyes snapped wide. Free fall. Smiling she knew just where to go. Close to this small town was a cliff. The cliff was most likely 56 ft high? She'll rather jump from a bigger height. But this is the closes thing she's got to a free fall.

Making her way too the cliff. She stood at the edge, her toes were over the edge- as her heal keeped her planted to the earth.

The breeze seemed to colden her skin, causing a shiver. But that wouldn't stop her. With one step her plummed towards the ocean water's. She felt wind seem to build up around her as she got closer and closer to the water. Her hair waved dangerously behind her was, as wind blew through it.

She feels the feeling of how her body wants to stay in place, but gravity pulls her down. Percy had her eye's closed wanting enjoy this feeling. As she touched water, she was swarmed with the coolness and care the water seemed to wrap around her with. The twitchyness of wanting action, slowly decreased.

Opening her eyes Percy stared at what was infront of her, and was surprise that the water around her was empty. There seemed to be no ocean critters around her.

Taking no chance she used the water to mist travel back to her cabin. Checking on baby Luke who seemed to be staring at the ceiling. She found it odd until she looked up as well. There was a a stuff animal hanging from thr ceiling. Seeming to rock back and forth. And on it was a note.

Slowly taking it down she looked at the note.

Dear Percy,

If you are reading this(Percy), then the spell had work. If not then whoever is reading this. Please stop now.

Olympus has fallen and Demigods are now being used as hounds for them mortals. They are putting this device on us, well the Gods. For the Demigods they're forcing Aphrodite to charmspeak them all into following their order's. But some were Immuned and with the chance we ran.

We are leaving to the Underworld. For there is rumors that we've heard. That the Underworld is where the Minor gods are hiding.

And with my powers and being the Son of Hades, We'll be able to be grant entry easily.

We need your help Perc. We all do.

Your Cousin,
Nico Di'angelo

P.S The Stuff animal, is for the baby. The mortals who had us, talked about how you had "their" powerhouse. That Piper was housing. We soon realised that the Powerhouse is actually a child.

Percy looked at the note. Then back at the stuff animal. Slowly she gave the little small bear- stuff animal to Luke who hugged it and seemed to bite the ear of it.

Smiling at Luke's cuteness, her eyes slowly wandered back to the note.

"It's looks like I don't have much time."

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