Prologue (Edited)

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"Willy," I called, running after him. "Did you think this through?" Willy turned around abruptly catching my shoulders before I ran into him.

"Of course, I have, Starshine," he replied, looking down at me sadly. "I wouldn't do this if I didn't have too. I just can't weed out all the spies. Once I think I've gotten them all, one of the other chocolatiers has gotten their filthy hands on another recipe." Willy sighed, pulling me into a hug. "With my trip coming up, I'm worried that I'll come home, and all my work will be gone."

"But you've worked so hard to get where you are now," I muttered.

"I know." Willy let me go and grinned. "I have something for you." He pulled out a candy bar. "It's the one we were working on together. I finished making it last night. Even if it's not released, you should be able to try it."

"Willy," I smiled, even though I felt like crying. "You really are the best."

"Eat it," he said, handing me the chocolate bar. I broke off a piece and was about to eat it when I stopped myself.

"You should have some too. Like we always do when you make a new candy." I handed him the piece and broke myself another one off. As I ate the piece of chocolate, I let out a soft sigh.

"Do you like it?" Willy asked.

"I love it, Willy," I replied. "I think everyone else would have too."

"Well, I don't care about everyone else's opinion, I only care about yours." I gave him another hug. "You're the only one I'm telling about this."

"How come?"

"I don't want the spies to tell their employers that they ran me out of business."

"Can I still see you?"

"Not at first, but when I get back from my trip."

"How will I know."

"You just will." I buried my face in his chest.

"Stupid copycat candy making cads," I mumbled. I felt him chuckle.

"Come on. We still have work to do today."


"This is where you're going?" I asked, looking at the map in his office.

"Yeah!" he replied, taking his hat off and putting it on the coat rack.

"Is it safe?"

"I'll be fine."

"That's not what I asked." Willy just wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You don't want to know the answer."

"Just be careful."

"I promise," he whispered kissing my cheek.

A few days later Willy announced that he was closing his factory, and everyone went home. Over the next few months, my cousin had gotten engaged, and I had found another job. However, I wasn't going to be in town much longer.


One day, I saw smoke rising from the chimneys of the factory, and I ran to the side entrance. I saw Willy standing by the gate.

When he heard me, he turned and grinned, opening the gate to let me in. I ran and tackle-hugged him, just about knocking him to the ground. "It's good to see you too," he laughed. "But I have to close the gate." I let him go, and he closed the gate. Willy took my hand and led me into the factory, then into a small room with a couch so we could talk. "How have you been?" he asked me, tilting my chin up and kissing me.

"Better now that I'm here," I smiled. "I found a job, but it doesn't really matter because I'm leaving in a couple of weeks."

"Where are you going?"

"To see the world."

"What made you decide to do that?"

"Well, after you left, my sister got engaged, they'll be married next week, and I thought that there was nothing left for me here, and I'm not ready to settle down and have kids yet, so I decided to go see the world now, while I still can."

"But I'm still here," he said sadly.

"I didn't mean it like that; I meant I want to do this before settling down with you. I'll come back though. This is home."

"I brought you something, from when I was gone, one of the natives there made it." He pulled out a small box, from the inside of his jacket. He handed the box to me. I opened it to find a wooden necklace charm, with a leather chain. I picked it up and looked at closer at it, noticing that it was a heart, and it smelled like chocolate.

"How'd you get it to smell like chocolate?" I asked.

"They wouldn't tell me," he replied, with a frown. "but they did say that the smell will never fade."

"It's wonderful. Help me put it on?" He took the necklace from me, and I turned around and moved my hair out of the way. As he was putting it on me, I noticed his hands shaking. "Willy, what's wrong?" I asked, turning back around.

"Is there any way I can convince you to stay?"

"No, this is something I need to do for myself. And a year will go by before you know it, and I'll be home."

"I'll miss you," he mumbled into my hair, "Where will you be going?"

"Everywhere you've told me about." I stroked his cheek. "I'll see you soon?"

"I'll see you soon," he replied, kissing me.

~~~A year later~~~

When I came back, one year later, I told the family all about my trip and gave them the gifts I had brought them.

"Sounds amazing," Joe said.

"It really was," I laughed.

"How long are you staying for?" Mrs. Bucket asked.

"I think I'm staying. To help out." The family had lost a lot when the factory closed and lived in a small house down the street from the factory.

"Are you going to go see Mr. Wonka," Joe asked.

"I just got here, and you're already trying to get rid of me!"

"Not at all, I was just curious."

"I have to give him something, so I'll go see him in a little bit."

"You should go now; he hasn't left that factory. since you left."

"Ok, I'll go now," I told everyone goodbye and grabbed Willy's gift.

As I arrived at the side gate, I didn't see Willy there, but I saw a card sitting between the lock's chain. I grabbed it and started to read it. As I read it, I felt my heart slowly break. When I finished, I tore a small piece off the note and wrote that I'd be here for a month if he changed his mind. I placed the letter in the box with his gift and put it in place of the other note.


Every day for that entire month, I went to see if Willy was at the gate, which he never was. A few days after Charlie was born I told everyone goodbye and went on my next adventure. I left another note that said:

Goodbye, Willy.


If he got the letter, I wouldn't know. That was over ten years ago now, and I had returned home every year, to visit my family. I took one day to look at the gate, to disappoint my self again and again.

Chocolate Hearts |A Willy Wonka Love Story Book 2| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now