Meet William and Rose

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"Just one more push, sweetheart," Willy said.

"You said that three pushes ago!" I yelled.

"I'm serious this time."

"I don't think you have any idea what the hell you're talking about!" I pushed again.

"There you go," he said, I collapsed against the pillow, as we heard crying. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," I mumbled, he kissed my forehead.

"One more than you can rest."

"I want to hold them, first."

"I know, starshine."

"Which one was first?" I asked. He looked at the doctor.

"The boy," he said.

"Willy." Willy looked down at me, and I smiled.

"Can I hold him now?" I asked.

"Not yet, wait till the other one comes." I gently squeezed his hand, then my eyes widened.

"She's coming," I said.

"Breath," he said, "Like we told you before." I did as he said, and the doctor handed Willy to an Oompa-Loompa.

~~~~30 minutes later~~~~

"We're never having sex again," I mumbled, laying down, out of breath, he just kissed my hand, grinning at me. "Can I see her?" I asked.

"She's getting cleaned up right now." I nodded, closing my eyes. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Where's Willy?"

"The Oompa-Loompa is holding him."

"Can I?" I looked up at him.

"You have to let go of my hand first." I let go, and he took the baby from the Oompa-Loompa. "Thank you." He turned back to me. "He hasn't opened his eyes, all the way yet." I smiled, as he put him in my arms. I looked down at Willy. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Oh," I gasped, "Hi, there."

"He has your eyes," Willy whispered, kissing my forehead.

"He's adorable," I smiled.

"We have a few minutes alone with them after Rose gets cleaned up."


"Have you thought about what you want to call him yet?"

"I was thinking, maybe we could just name him William, and call him Will or Willy for short." I thought about it for a second.

"It's not going to get confusing, for you?"


"Okay then."


"Yeah! He's still named after you. Just with a few more syllables," I laughed, looking back down at William. "William Wonka," I smiled.

"I'm going to go sign the paperwork," Willy said, "I'll be back in a second."

"Okay." I didn't look up at him and stroked William's cheek, smiling. "You'll take care of your little sister," I said, "And if anyone breaks her heart, you can break their nose, but I didn't tell you that." I heard Willy laugh, and the baby yawned, "I know I'm tired too." I started humming, and William eventually fell asleep.

"How'd you do that?" Willy asked, coming back to me.

"I don't know. It's the song I would hum while you were working, and I couldn't help anymore. What did the doctor say?"

"They're both healthy."

"What about them being born early?"

"He said it happens sometimes. He also doesn't want you to do to much the next couple of months so that you recover fully."

"Okay," I said, "Is Rose done yet?"

"Yes, starshine. You need to sign these too, first, then you can hold her, and I'll hold William." He placed a clipboard and pen in my lap, and I passed him William and picked up the clipboard.

"You already read all this, right?"

"Yes. Just sign the bottom, on the page, and on the birth certificates." I nodded and signed until I got to the birth certificates, and looked at Rose's.

"She hasn't opened her eyes yet either?"

"Nope. I think she will when you hold her, just like he did." I smiled and signed the certificates, handing them to the doctor.

"I'll mail you your copy of the certificates." He put them in his briefcase, and then picked up Rose handing her to me. "You'll tell me when her eyes open?" he asked Willy.


"I'm a mom," I whispered.

"You just realized that."

"Uh-huh." I looked up at him. "We need a picture of all four of us."

"Okay, I'm sure Charlie has his camera with him."

I looked back at Rose, who was beginning to open her eyes, "Good morning, starshine," I whispered, and Willy laughed. Once she opened her eyes all the way, I smiled. "She has your eyes, Willy."

"Looks like we both got what we wanted. They both have your nose. We'll have to wait to see the rest." The doctor wrote down her eye color, talked to Willy for a few minutes, and left. "Do you want them to come in now?" he asked.

"Not right now, I just want to lay here with you, and our children."

"Can I lay down too?" he asked. I scooted over as much as I could, and he sat down next to me, I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I'm tired, Willy," I closed my eyes. Just then I saw a flash, and my eyes snapped open. Willy's dad was at the door with Charlie's camera.

"You made it!" Willy exclaimed.

"Shhh, you'll wake them."

"Sorry," he whispered.

"Of course I made it," Wilbur said, "I wanted to see my grand-babies." He went over by Willy. "What are there names?"

"We will tell everyone when we're ready. I want to sleep first," I mumbled. William started crying, then. "You woke him up."

"He sounds hungry," Wilbur told me, "I'll be back in an hour, with the rest of the family."

"Okay." Willy and I switched off who was carrying what child, and I started feeding William.

"What does that feel like?" Willy asked.

"I don't know how to explain it, Willy," I looked up at him, for a second. "Try not to wake her."

"I'll try." I looked down and smiled.

"We did it, Willy," I whispered.

"Told ya," he replied, kissing my cheek, "They're our little cocoa-beans."

"Is that what you're going to call them?"


"I'm sorry for everything I said to you earlier, and the permanent bruise that's on your hand."

"I know you didn't mean those things, and my hand's fine." I turned my head and kissed his lips, he touched our foreheads together, and laughed, "I love you."

"I love you too, Willy."

Chocolate Hearts |A Willy Wonka Love Story Book 2| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now