Valentines Day

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The next morning, I woke up to find a little display of rose petals on my nightstand. At the center of the rose petals was a chocolate bar. I smiled picking it up. Then I looked at the time and realized it was almost two. I quickly got up and started getting ready.

While I was doing my hair, Willy came back with a couple of boxes of Wonka Bars. "Almost ready?" He asked standing in the doorway.

"I'll be ready in a minute," I replied, taking out my makeup bag.

"Can you wear the lipstick you wore for our wedding?"

"Maybe," I grinned. I turned around and kissed his cheek. "Happy Valentine's day, Willy," I whispered. He smiled, kissing me.

"Have you figured out what you're wearing tonight?" Willy asked as I turned back to the mirror.

"Yes. Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."

"Any way I can get it early?"

"Nope." He left the room and sat on the bed.


A few minutes later, I was ready. Willy zipped up the back of my dress. "I prefer buttons," he muttered. I laughed, grabbing my coat and slipping on my shoes.

"Why?" I asked.

"I like the way you react when I undo them." I blushed, looking down. I hadn't even noticed that I had had a reaction before. My heart raced, but that happens whenever we touch. Willy tilted my chin up, pressing his lips to mine. "We're going to be late."

"You're never late," I replied. "You're always, somehow, precisely on time." I picked up a box of chocolates from the bed, but Willy took it from me putting it back. "I thought we were going to be late."

"I want to be late." He grabbed my waist, pulling me against him.

"Willy!" I exclaimed. He kissed me. I melted against him, threading my fingers through his hair. I pulled away and he started kissing down my jaw. I sighed leaning my head back. "You sure you can live with being late?" I asked. He stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"No," he replied, grabbing the boxes and leaving the room. I ran after him, finding him putting the boxes in a bag in the kitchen. I fixed his hair, making sure it was perfect. Willy smiled at me. "We'll continue that kiss later," he said, grabbing my hand. "For now, we have to speed walk." I laughed as he pulled me from the room. "I would take the elevator but you're in a dress."

"You wanted me in a dress."

"I know," he grinned. "You look beautiful, Starshine."

"Thank you, Willy." I kissed his cheek. "You look even more handsome than usual." He didn't say anything, but his hand gently squeezed mine, and I saw a faint pink on his cheeks.

When we arrived at Charlie's classroom Willy checked for his cue cards. Then he reached in the other pocket. I pulled them out of my purse.

"I grabbed them when you left the bedroom." Willy took the cards and put them in his pocket.

"Thank you," he said. I knocked on the door, and Charlie opened it and pulled us inside. Willy grabbed my hand, and I started rubbing circles in the back of his to calm his nerves.

"This is my sister, Amandah," Charlie said. "and her husband Willy Wonka."

"Hello," I said, while Willy just smiled.

"I'm almost done with the lesson," Miss Hamburger told us. "You can start setting up the back table and letting the other parents in when they come."

Charlie sat back down in his chair, and Willy and I began to set up. "You okay?" I whispered.

"I'm fine," Willy smiled. I smiled back, cutting open a box. "That's the first thing you did when we met."

"No, I almost dropped the box on your foot first," I replied. Willy laughed, and I grinned at him.


While we were setting up the table, I answered the door letting other people in. We introduced ourselves to the parents.

"Which one's yours?" one of the parents asked me, as the students were putting their things away.

"We don't have any of our own yet. I'm here for my brother, Charlie."

"The class liar is your brother?!" The woman sounded shocked.

"My brother's not a liar."

"My son always tells me about his lies. The things he says are too good to be true. Don't your parents do anything about it?"

"If he lied they would. Did I not introduce myself as Mrs. Wonka?" I asked her, growing angry. "Just because you don't believe him doesn't make it not true."

"Look you're not a parent so you don't understand the effect these delusions can have on a kid."

"Did you even listen to what I just said?!" Willy grabbed my hand, trying to calm me down. "I may not be a mother, but I've been with Charlie since he was born. I know him just as well as I know myself." The entire class was staring at us now. "I need a moment." I pulled Willy outside and hugged him taking a deep breath. He kissed my head and rubbed my back.

"Better?" he asked. I shook my head. He sighed. "It doesn't matter if they believe him or not, sweetheart. The truth is always right, and it always comes out in the end."

"I know," I whispered. "You saw how he was the other day."

"I told him exactly what I just told you, and to just ignore them. It'll bite them in the tush in the end." I giggled, looking up at him. He pecked my lips. "Better, now?"

"Yes," I smiled. Willy opened the door and we went back inside.

Chocolate Hearts |A Willy Wonka Love Story Book 2| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now