I Still Want You

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I pulled in front of my house, stormed inside my room and trashed everything in the room, letting out all my anger and hurt that I was carrying inside. I punched the mirror resulting in glass cutting my hand but I could care less. 

"Why Jimin, why did you have to play with my feelings this badly, if you wanted to leave you could have just asked me and I would have you send back into your own life, but why did you have to choose on stepping on my heart to get back? Whyyyy?"  I screamed loudly venting out my frustration.

 Were all the things he said to me just an illusion, a trap to get my trust so that he could run away.

 Did my emotions, my feelings mean nothing to him? 

All those smiles that he passed me, were they all a lie?

 How can he be this cruel to me?


I was waiting for Jimin for past fifteen minutes and he still wasn't back yet. Worried that he might be in some trouble I took out my phone to track Jimin with the tracker that I had placed in his phone, just for his safety. 

It was showing his location near the back exit if the mall which was strange since he told me that he was going to washroom. Thinking that someone was trying to kidnap him, I hurriedly made my way towards the location, each muscle of my body tense with the urge to protect Jimin. 

I ran and ran till I reached the place but my feet halted midway seeing Jimin leaving the mall with Jackson making my blood boil.

 How can he do this to me?

 "Jimin", my voice made him halt his steps.

 "Please Jungkook, this isn't what it looks like, I met him here by coincidence. Don't hurt him please", he lied to me going to the washroom and he was lying to me again.

 Does he think I am an idiot? 

"Move aside Jimin", I growled in anger. 

"Move Jimin, I don't want you getting hurt, this is between him and me", Jackson said. 

"This bitch", I will make sure today is his last day.

 "No", Jimin continued to stand between Jackson and me.

 Of course he would still protect him.

 He was using me to run with him anyway. 

"Go Hyung, he won't hurt me" Jimin said out confidently while looking into my eyes.

 How long is he going to play with my emotions?

 I wanted to rip this two-faced person apart for playing dirty with me. 

I have killed for less, and yet he was right.

 He knew I won't hurt him and I can't hurt him and he was taking the advantage of my feelings very well which made me feel pathetic and weak.

 I pulled him inside the car while maintaining the cool outer. I honestly didn't know how to react, what to feel. I wanted to scream at him, shout at him, ask him why did he hurt me so cruelly and yet I just continue to drive the car. 

After a while I heard him call my name, "K-kookie", and the nerve of him to still call me that. 

"Talk to me kookie, you misunderstood...... I", I applied the brakes with pressure making the car erupt loud screeching sounds.

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