Chapter 10

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This chapter may be a little triggering to some! 

Thursday is, arguably, the best school day as it is only one day until Friday, two days until the heavenly weekend! I roll out of my bed with forty-five minutes to get ready for Cole's pickup. I wearily stumble over to my bathroom and begin to prepare for the day, both physically and emotionally. I then throw on some clothes before heading downstairs to cook breakfast for Luke and I, still considering how to tell him about our father's upcoming release from prison. 

Even from downstairs on the opposite side of the house, I can hear Luke banging around in his bathroom in a rush to get ready, especially since he overslept by a ridiculous amount today. Usually, he has to wake up early in order to groom himself and look, in his words, presentably hot for the day to come. I, however, strongly disagree. Instead, I continue to finish the scrambled eggs for us both, "Luke, breakfast!" I call to him, praying that he hears me over the ruckus he is making upstairs so that I don't have to drag myself back up the stairs to give him his food. 

Much to my delight, I hear him immediately bound down the stairs in his football uniform as he swipes his breakfast from my hands before I can even utter a sarcastic 'You're Welcome' and starts to eat it, "Thanks, Lex. No need to shout, though," He snaps, gloomily, and continues to eat, "Hangover?" I question with an amused smirk plastered across my face. In response, he grunts and nods. Instead of irritating him further, I finish my breakfast and throw a pack of aspirin at him and some water, "Take these, they should help your head."

He murmurs a thank you as I race up the stairs to grab my bag and make sure that the majority of my face is shadowed by my hood and I bounce down the stairs, excited to see Cole, "Luke, Cole is giving us a lift this morning," I chirp, sliding a bottle of water from the fridge towards him for him to take to school. He glances at me from under his heavy eyelids in confusion, "What about your car?" I just look to the ground, "Lexi?" I stay silent for a while but I have to tell him, he deserves to know, "Tess slashed the tyres at school yesterday, that's all." 

His face turns beet red and that's when I decide to leave out the part when she tore up the pictures I kept in there of mum. I know that I hate her but I don't want the blood of her murder on my hand, which is exactly what will happen if I tell Luke the entire story. However, unexpectedly, I realise by Luke's glare that the next person being buried is going to be myself, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" 

Saving me from having to awkwardly clamber around with an answer to his question, my phone becomes my saviour as it bleeps with a text. Hey I'm here

I smile down at my phone, beginning to type back a response to Cole before Luke lunges for my phone and I attempt quickly to pull it away, "Are you dating?" I shake my head at him, profusely, "Don't lie to me, I know you are! Do you know the shit he's involved in?" I look up, anger taking over my system. Why does he have the right to tell me what to do? "Who are you to tell me who I can and cannot date? I'm not, as a matter of fact, with Cole at this specific point in time but who knows in the future. I could be in love with him for all you know." 

Luke just gawks at my last words, digesting the fact that, potentially, I won't just need him in my life, "You don't know what love means, don't be a lovesick whore! He doesn't love you, you're just falling for it like the other whores he dates." I gape at him, lip quivering as I sink my teeth into my bottom lip in an attempt to bite back the bitter tears that threaten to fall, "Get your own lift to school. You might see me tonight, you might not," Then I slam the door behind me and stomp to Cole's car, wiping away the stray tear that drops onto my cheek. 

By now, Cole has noticed and looks at me in concern, "Lexi, what's wrong?" I shrug, sinking back in my seat and pressing my seatbelt into place, "Luke is in a mood because he has a hangover and is taking it out on me. He accused us for dating, which we're not, and I tried to tell him but he told me that I'm a whore."

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