Chapter 6

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When he and Sierra sat down later after the show and talked to the other concert members he thought about his performance. When he sang those love songs with Sierra they felt so natural. Often when he sang love songs with other musical artists they felt fake to sing, not that he couldn't sing with feelings but that the words didn't come out naturally. Everything with Sierra was natural; the way he acted towards her, the way she was and acted, their chemistry and their friendship. They shared the same passion. And that was weird because this didn't even happen with Mandy the first time they met.

- Goodbye Ramen Karimnoodle! Sierra said and hugged him tightly.

- Bye Siruh!

He hugged her back just as tightly and then he jumped in his car and drove home to his NYC apartment. The concert cast had had a little party afterwards, but he didn't drink since he was going to drive home. During the night he didn't talk as much to the other people as to Sierra. Sure, they talked to Lea Salonga and Norm Lewis but not as much as to each other. Sierra seemed to like talking to Norm, cause they have done a lot together, like Sierra's Broadway debut and that was always important. Lea Salonga was a funny person to be around. Her personality always surprised Ramin, she was hands down cool, they did Four stars with her some years ago and it was nice returning together talking about what happened since. But mostly Ramin and Sierra sat in a corner and talked and laughed almost the whole evening. He had missed to spend this much time with her. Nights like these made him miss Love Never Dies and the 25th anniversary of Phantom of the Opera very much, they talked and did thigs together all the time back then. Now they rarely met even if they lived in the same city.

The phone started buzzing on his kitchen table as he ate breakfast some days later. He picked it up and looked at the caller ID to see that no other than Mandy was calling him. He accepted the call and he heard her voice.

- Hi babe! She said to him.

- Hello sweetheart. How are you? he said.

- Fine, everything is as usual. But you know, the kids miss you.

He noted that she didn't say that she missed him, only that the kids missed him. That did hurt a bit, but he guessed that she just didn't think about saying that she missed him too. That though, hurt him a lot more.

- When are you planning to visit? He asked.

- I don't know. The boys have a break in March, so maybe then? Does that work for you?

- Yeah, you can come whenever you want.

They talked for another half hour and then he talked to his boys. He didn't want to admit it, but he missed them a lot more than he missed Mandy.


She had noticed one odd thing. Ramin was very unsocial on Instagram and that was not like him, and when he after two weeks posted something it was of Mandy. He only posted pictures of her and no one else. Somehow, she got the feeling that he was trying to save their marriage, but it didn't have anything to do with her, so she left that train of thought. She was a little ashamed of her thought and let her mind wander off to other things, as to say Ramin.

The phone on her bedside table sang a little melody which informed her that someone was calling her. She didn't understand why anyone would call her in the morning but still picked it up and without looking at the caller ID she answered.

- Hello? She said.

- Sierra! I'm so sorry I haven't called you for a while, it has been ages, but I haven't had the time; Sierra heard her sister Allegra say.

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα