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December 14 / Champion House

Joba's POV:
I jog back to a garage sale I passed by a while ago. There are so many archaic, yet amusing items for sale. I spot a box filled with old movies, classic movies that I think would would be intriguing for Billie to watch since she mentioned that's what she would be doing today. Next to it is another box filled with CDs of artists from ages ago. There were some pretty good ones in there, but I think the movies would be of great service for her. The man running the sale is petite and old. I take the box with me and pay him the price that was stamped on the box for a wholesale. As I walk back to Billie's house, I peek in the box and spot "Breakfast at Tiffanys", "The Wizard of Oz". So far, so good. If she ends up liking these goodies, I swear she's the girl for me. I kinda hope she invites me in to watch a couple with her or I might just steal some from her.

Billie's POV:
"I'm scared. What's in here Joba? It better not be something disgusting or anything that will make me regret you coming inside". I laugh as I hesitate to open the box. There's an odd, odor I can just feel penetrating into my nose. But it has a homey scent to it. Inside, are movies. But not just any movies. Oldies. they're of all sorts, disney, horror, dramas, musicals.

"These are great! Where'd you get them?". I hug Joba without knowing it until he laughs and wraps his arms around me. I pull away, nervous and tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. He can tell that I love the surprise by the huge smile and amusement shown on my face. I do love it though.

His face lights up, looks at me with those pretty blue eyes of his that I love so much and says,"You really like them! I was hoping you would. I came across them on my walk over here and I was hoping we could hang out some time again. Yesterday was fun, even though you fell asleep".

"That's sweet of you. Thank you for these." I feel my face feel hot and I start to blush, "And sorry about that too, I can get super tired at the end of the day".

He tucks his hands into his pocket. "Yea well, I guess I should get going, I don't want to interrupt your marathon", He says as he makes his way towards the door.

I kind of want him to stay. To just keep me company. I don't really feel like spending the entire 15 or so hours of my day alone. I hate feeling isolated and since Harrison couldn't hang out I only feel ten times lonelier. As he's opening the door, I reach out for his other hand. "Wait, stay..", I say hoping he accepts my invitation, "For a while?".

He nods and a smile spreads across his face, "I'd like that".

We go to my room. There are pillows stacked on each other on one side of the bed, leaving only half of it free. I don't bother moving them so we end up crowded in bed. His shoulder and arm touching mine. We sit on my bed and spend hours watching movies. We start off by watching Pocahontas and when she starts singing "Colors of the Wind", I sing along. It's such a beautiful song and I just love it. Joba looks at me, eyebrows raised and he starts to laughs at me.

"Don't judge me. This song gets me every time, I can't resist", I say returning to the song.

"I didn't say anything", says Joba as he scoots closer to me.

We then watched, Carrie. A horror movie from 1976.

When the movie is at the part when Carrie starts torturing her mother after the prom, I get frightened and look away. Not because I'm scared, but because I sincerely don't like to watch gorey wounds. During the scene, I feel a tingling sensation on my hand. I look down and his hand is just barely touching mine and I just want to grab it, but I'm too scared to. What if he flinches and it just gets awkward, I don't grab it, instead his fingers trail onto mine and he turns to look at me.

Why do I feel so insecure now. I start to feel butterflies just swarming my stomach.

We are face to face, and eye to eye. He pulls in closer and our noses touch. I swear I felt a spark when he did that. My eyes instinctively close. He kisses me on the lips and for a moment I forget where we are. His lips are soft and so tender. I even get a gentle taste of strawberry on his lips. why do they taste like strawberry? Oh wait, my lip balm.

I don't ever want to pull apart. Am I still me or am I Rose Dewitt Bukater in a dream? I now know what people mean when they say they feel chemistry with someone.

Joba pulls apart, and keeps his focus on me. I again, tuck another piece of hair behind my ear and i gaze into his eyes. dreamy blue eyes. So deep, I get lost in them.

He gives a smile which I find now weakening me.


Way to ruin the moment. It's not my phone so it must be Joba's. He looks at it and frowns upon reading a text message he receives from someone with the contact name 'Sahar Luna'.

Who hell is that?
Thank you for 200 reads even though like 7 of those come from me, lol.

LOVELY * JOBAOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant