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i went to the kitchen to grab some snack that Joba had brought. I found a bag of brownies inside a ziplock bag and brought them out after eating a couple. They taste kind of wierd and after a couple minutesI start to feel loose.

"Are you okay?". Joba asks looking widely at me. He eyes the clear bag and gapes. "Oh not those".

Joba explains to me that Romil had made pot brownies for Dom. It helps him relax and make the best music.

My eyes widen as I'm shocked. I giggle, "oops".

The after effects are amazing. I've never felt this way before but I can feel it reaching into my soul and letting me feel free and relaxed.

Matt said if I ever wanted to try it, to go to him because it'd mean a lot but I feel I can trust Joba. I feel like doing it now and Matt's not here so he loses.

I reach for another one but Joba stops me. He laughs at me and puts the bag away.

"Just one more bite", I begged. They don't taste at all good but I feel like taking another.

"What about your parents? I don't think they'd like that especially if I'm here condoning it". Joba reasoned.

"They're out... again. They drove Aunt Ham to the airport". I told him. Joba looked at me with eyes squinted and a wrinkled nose. "They'll be back tomorrow morning". I whined.

He takes one outfit and handed it to me. I put it in my mouth.

Just for once, I want to feel like I can face whatever's out there. I don't feel limited like i usually do. I giggle again and gag scaring Joba.

"oh Billie", says Joba softly while holding my hand.

"I feel like I'm laying in a field of flowers". I am laying on my bed so that's acceptable. It feels ten times more cushiony that I imagine myself sinking in. That's amazing. I giggle.

I slip my shoes and socks off and settle on the bed. We stare at the ceiling while listening to a playlist Joba created. Time by Kelsey Lu starts to play and I know this song because I've heard his playlist. It fits the mood. My hands lay crossed on my stomach and my finger taps following the beat of the song. I scoot closer towards Joba resting my head on his shoulder.

One leg is hugging  his. His foot comes into contact with mine. We play footsies and my little toes curl as his foot brushes against mine. My head is tucked under his chin. I look up and twirl little pieces of his hair.

"I love you", he says. I smile at the fact that I love him too.

I grip onto his collar and pull myself up higher to kiss him. He smiles through the kiss.

I reluctantly stop this kiss and sit up. I admire him and smile.

"Ill be back", I say. I jump out of the bed and go to the bathroom. I take my hair out of the messy bun that it was in and brush it out. I only needed to come in here for some preparation. The pink nail polish I have on has been chipping away. I spot a navy blue nail polish and snatch it.

I hand Joba the polish. "Wanna paint my nails?".

He laughs, "I won't be very good at it". He twists the cap open and strokes the applicator on my nails.

Not very good my ass. "I love it". I strut my hand exaggeratedly fishing for a compliment.

"Very cute", he chuckles. He kisses my hand like a prince does to his princess.

I turn around and wiggle my toes. Joba knows.

He paints my toe nails as well and blows on them to dry them.

I put Pretty in Pink on my laptop and we cuddle watching it. I'm so into this movie, it's one of my favorites. Joba keeps checking his phone. His brightness is all the way up. It distracts me and I glance over to see that he's texting someone.

He reads a huge paragraph. I know because the blue bubble is long. He shakes his head raises his eyebrows creating wrinkles on his forehead.

"Everything okay?" I can't help but wonder.

He locks his phone and sets aside, "Yea just Kevin he's sending the group chat the plan for spring break".

"Mmm", I mumble. "Anyway,".


So I wasn't gonna continue this but I changed my mind. I just haven't had time to write and I was pre writing chapters but rewrote them because I wasn't happy with them but here it is!!

1 DAY UNTIL IRIDESCENCE IM EXCITED UGHH!! What song are you guys wanting to hear the most??

LOVELY * JOBAWhere stories live. Discover now