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Someone knocks on my door and I open it for Aunt Ham. She comes in before I can say anything and sits on my desk chair. She smiles, "Good morning. How did you sleep sweetie?".

Considering I snuck back in at 2 am and I had to wake up early for school, not that good, "it was okay. I just wanna sleep in, why are you up?".

I yawn and stretch as I reach for my phone except I remember I don't have it because it was taken away.  I was hoping I could wake up to a text from Joba.

"I wanted to let you know I apologize for mentioning Matt's music at the dinner table and most importantly for grabbing it when I shouldn't have", she says while holding my hand.

Still half asleep I nod and gently smile. It wasn't intentional and well they were gonna ind about it sooner or later. It's better to have just gotten it over with and deal with whatever they had to say.

Even covered in two blankets it chilly in the room. Sucks having the coldest room in the house. I pull the sleeves of my hoodie down and conceal my hands. She smiles at me, observing me for a minute.

"That's a nice hoodie. It has an oddly good scent", she says.

"Oh thanks. It's just my friends. He let me borrow it", I say nervously. She was there when I had to tell my dad who was texting me but I don't want to get scolded by her too.

She twinkles a smile, "Might it belong to that boyfriend of yours? Joba, was it? It's greatly oversized".

Nervously I smack my lips together and hope this conversation to be over. I love Joba and love talking about him but what if she's on to me. If she finds out Joba was here or that I snuck out, I'll be in great trouble, "it is but you know what, I should get ready for school". I excuse myself and am headed out the door before she calls me back in and pats the bed motioning me to sit.

"Listen I understand where you dad was coming from when he gave this.. lecture on knowing what your duties are and all. I agree with him but it doesn't hurt to have a little fun now and then. You know? And what I get is that you're the youngest so from my experience, seeing your littlest one grow up and do things a young adult would do is tough". She says in a compassionate voice. "Just try to sympathize with them and know they only want what's best for you. And Matt for that matter. Often parents have this misconception that all being in a relationship with boys and fooling around with them means is that it's a distraction and will lead you to the wrong path".

I nod as she tells me. It's true but I feel they overreact. "I guess so". I say.

"But I think if you have someone at your side... like Joba then it can be good for you as well. We all need a companion that is there when we go through our experiences and it's nice to have them there".

I smile at her kind words and think as if she was the missing figure I needed in my life to give me words of wisdom. "He's really is the best. He's kind and not at all like the type my parents perceive all boys to be"

"You remind me of your mother when she was young. When she met your father, she would never stop talking about it. The whole family would get sick of having to hear about him. I guess just having children of her own made her become protective. But enough of that, I'll let you go".

"Thanks Aunt Ham. I appreciate it", I grab some shoes from my closet along with my outfit. After she leaves she pokes her head in and whispers, "Don't worry, I also won't tell about last night". She winks and exits. I had a feeling she knew.

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