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**i had this chapter pre written from months ago and i know it's doesn't align from where i last left off but enjoy it!!

Joba gives me a small peck on the lips.

I wrap my arms around his neck and latch my lips onto his. They taste of warm vanilla... Wait thats my chapstick. I always forget. I giggle. He moans, "Mmm" before pulling away with his eyes still closed, licking his lips in attempt to figure out what he's tasting.

"Its Vanilla". I say.

"That's good. Sweet", he says. He licks the sweetness off my lips.

Joba places his thumb on my bottom lip and pulls on it before placing his lips on mine again.

I say softly, "Wanna taste something else thats sweet?". I place a hand on my zipper slowly pulling it down.

He looks down. He gapes at me with a wrinkled forehead and almost bug eyes. He whispers, "Really? Didn't you say Matts here?".

At the mention of Matt, he comes out of his cave looking in a haze with his eyes half open. He must have taken a nap and frankly, i hope he returns to it.

I ignore him as he makes his way to the bathroom, not noticing me and Joba.

I grab a hold of Jobas hand and lead him him to my room locking the door behind.

I smile at him and throw myself onto the bed. I pull on his shirt bringing him towards me. I latch onto his neck and gaze into him for a while. He places his soft lips on mine and places his hand on my cheek, caressing it.

He pulls apart,"Where did you say your parents were?".

Keeping my eyes closed, I reattach to him and say through the kiss, "still at work". Joba nods.

I kiss the side of his mouth gently trailing down to his neck. He does the same as I giggle. The sensation of his lips sucking on my neck, tickles and I can't help myself but to squirm a bit.

"This Okay?", he asks. I nod, "mhmm". Shit I totally forgot it would leave a mark, "Wait, Just don't brand me".

He looks at my neck and and rubs a finger on it. "Sorry. I already did".

"JoBA!", I say slapping him lightly on the shoulder. He laughs.

He sits up on the edge of the bed and I sit facing him with legs around his waist. He grabs onto my waist as we kiss.

I break the kiss quickly sliding my shirt up leaving me in my black bra. My chest is pressed against his. He takes his shirt off too and I claw my nails into his back.

"Ow!", Joba Says. I apologize.

I roll onto my back and he lays on top of me. "Take them off", I say pointing at his pants. He quickly takes them off and I kneel on the wooden floor.

I never intended for us to go this far but getting lost in the moment when I'm with Joba is inevitable. Feeling his touch makes me want to do things I never thought could be done by me.

As I place my lips on it, the doorbell rings. I glance at the door and get back to what I was about to do, Joba places his hand on my chest to stop me.

"Billie? Matt? I'm home".

My eyes go wide hearing dad just a couple feet from my room. The door knob of my room rattles followed by a knock.

I jump back on my feet looking for my shirt. Joba freaks out, and tries pulling his pants back on but trips causing the floorboards to thump.

Dad asks if I'm inside and I shout through the door, "Sorry dad! I'll be out in a minute". I hear him walking away.

Joba barely opens the door and I slam it shut. "No
Joba what are you doing! He can't see you here. You have to stay in here until It's okay to go out". I grab his belt and give it to him.

Shirt is on. I motion my hand to the left towards my closet for Joba to go in there. I close the door behind me.

"Hey kiddo. How was school?". Dad comes out of the bathroom waving his hands to dry them. He goes into the living room taking a seat. Jobas backpack is sitting behind the sofa. I push it out of sight with my foot.

I try to keep my cool and pretend as if I wasn't just about to give Joba head. I fail and nervously say, "oH well it was okay I guess".

He puts his glasses on and turns the tv on. He glances at me and does a double take. "Nice shirt you have on there, kiddo".

I was totally unaware that I put Jobas shirt on instead of mine. It's a white shirt with thin black stripes. Theres a zipper on the collar.

I smile and laugh nervously, "hehe thanks".

I go to my room and close the door behind me. Joba isn't in here. I worry and go around the house trying to be discreet while looking for him.

I find him with Matt outside smoking a cigarette. I give Joba a glare that says 'are you crazy'. Hes about to put out the cigarette but I take it from him.

"Where have you been?", asks Matt breathing out a puff of smoke. I cough, "Oh just around". I blush.

"I was just telling Joba the dates we go to La are all set".

"mom and dad let you go?". This is a shock as they are being a little lenient recently.

"I didn't tell them so don't say anything". I'm always told keep quiet about everything Matt does. And frankly, it's annoying. Why can't he just be mature and tell them without keeping it from them. I'm more intimidated by them then he is.

I sigh rolling my eyes, "whatever".

"I know of a girl down in La who can help us look for houses? I met her on the social. She's cool.". Matt tells Joba. Joba and I exchange looks. "Sounds good", Says Joba.

"What I'm just holding it". I say holding the lit cigarette. Matt raises his eyebrows.

**just a little extra story let me know what you think ☺️

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