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December 21 / Romil's House

We all slept the night in Romil's house in several rooms. Matt and Tavia has fallen asleep in the room they were in, Dom, Kevin, and Merlyn had taken another room next door. Romil has given his room to me and Joba, "Just go down the hall and it should be the door to your left", he says making himself comfortable on the sofa in the 'recording room' we were in all day.

"Are you sure it's fine?", asks Joba as we go into the room. There was only one bed and by the look on my face, Joba saw that I was caught off guard and trying to wrap around my head how this was gonna work. "I can sleep on the floor. I don't want to make you uncomfortable".

I look at him thinking that maybe it's fine if he does. The bed was more than big enough for us both, I wouldn't mind, but I let him anyway fearing he wouldn't accept it so instead I climbed in the bed, "goodnight Joba".

He gives me a peck on the lips and settles himself on the floor. He shifts his body trying to get comfortable, "if you need anything I'll be here".

As I start to drift off to sleep I am awakened by the thoughts that keep running through my mind. I can't help but think about Joba and me and what we could be or what we are. I mean I met him not long ago and already I feel like we share something special. I mean you don't just hang out with anyone at their house and then kiss them after just meeting them. I lay there awake looking up at the celling wondering what to do with these thoughts. I look at Joba and he's sleeping but I whisper anyway, "Joba".

He softly mumbles, "yeah?".

"I can't sleep". I say, he easily interprets that as I want him to be close to him and I do so he stands alongside the bed, "you sure?".

Closing my eyes, I grab his wrist and pull him by my side. Our backs turned towards each other, we sleep.
"BREAKFAST!", yells Romil from downstairs.

Joba and I get up and make our way down to the kitchen for breakfast. Romil said Merlyn made the best pancake so he began to make some while we sat at the island in the kitchen surrounded stools. He had a stack of pancakes ready, as well as the fraps he had brought yesterday on the table and we all dug in.

"What do you think Billie?, asked Matt chewing with food in his mouth.

"Gross Matt. Think About what?".

"The music", he said swallowing his food. Tavia then grabs a napkin and wipes syrup from the pancakes off his mouth.

"Ohh! It sounded amazing. I never knew about how much effort goes into the process of making music. I'm excited for you guys, it's working out good!", I say with a smile on my face still shy in front of his friends.

Kevin and Merlyn stab their fork into the last pancake and they look at each other. Merlyn argues, "You already had 2 pancakes dude. I had one, I think I deserve this one".

Kevin rolls his eyes at Merlyn, "I'm hungry, stupid".

"Don't call me stupid", Says Merlyn dragging his fork, tearing the pancake apart.

Everyone just starts laughing and then we continue conversation. I forgot we had to miss school today and since it was Friday now, we were basically already in winter break.

For the remainder of the day we spend it in Romil's hosue. He has a pool and jacuzzi but since its cold out, we used the jacuzzi. It was a jacuzzi tub placed under a gazebo. It felt relaxing until some one took a gas and bubbles started to form under Matt's bottom. Everyone turns their eyes on Matt, "What?" He asks cluelessly.

"That's disgusting Matt". I say splashing him.

The doorbell then rings and Romil gets out to go answer it. He comes back calling Joba, "There's someone at the door asking for you". Joba looks confused and goes while Romil gets back into the jacuzzi.

Minutes later, I start to feel my fingers and toes start to shrivel so I excuse myself. I go back inside to find a random girl with long light brunette sitting alone in the living room. She sees me staring at her in a baffle, "Hi", she smiles at me. She's really pretty, her eyes are green and she has a thin, buttoned nose.

"Hi..." I say, slowly and softly.

Behind me comes Joba and hesitantly says, "Billie this is Sahar, the friend I told you was going to visit". At that moment I became really insecure. I mean she was really gorgeous.

She then says, "I had nowhere else to be or go this morning so Russ said I could come here, it's nice to meet you".

"You too". I say softly smiling obviously feeling red-faced.

"So how did you guys meet?", I ask curiously.

She walks to Joba giving him a side hug, smiling, "We dated for six months. It's too bad he had to move". She turns to him and pecks his cheek, "Ive missed you Russ".

LOVELY * JOBAWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu