twenty four.

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Sahar had left Houston and I haven't seen Joba. I was super excited to see him. I wonder what it's going to be like from now on since we finally told each other 'I love you'. I get butterflies when I think about him.

For the remainder of the break, Matt and I had decided to just stay home and wait for mom and dad to come home. They got here late and had brought Aunt Ham with home with them. It was nice to finally meet someone from my dads side of the family. She was a sweet lady and we were all excited for her to meet me and Matt. She had brought Matt and I gifts, matching pink shirts with a graphic on it that read 'Stay Cool!' with a thumbs up emoji on it. We thanked her for it and stored them away deep under each of our beds.

We didn't get to talk much but I'm very much wanting to hear from her as soon as I get back from school. I had to give her my room and I was definitely not going to sleep in the living room so I took Matt's floor. He refused to let me at first but my mom basically threatened him.

The next morning as I got ready for school, Matt and I drove together. We were headed out the door when Aunt Ham catches us not wearing our matching shirts, "You forgot to put on the shirts I brought", she says upsettingly.

We reluctantly put them on and as embarrassing as it was that's how we went to school.


Mr.Timothy comes around the rows and hands out a sheet of paper face down. I turn it over before getting scolded, "Billie don't turn that paper over or it's an automatic 0".

I glare at the board from across the room, confused before realizing the history test that was moved back is today. Fuck I forgot about that. I panick and mentally scold myself for procrastinating when I did. How could I forget. Harrison has been in my butt about it for weeks now.

"You may start class. You have until the end of the period".

I flip my paper over and stare at the twenty some questions. If I did the reading it would have been easy but it wasn't. If Harrison were in the same period I, i would have begged him to give me he answers but again that wouldn't be a good moral. I take a deep breath and read each question answering it as best I can. Right when the bell rings I finish, handing the teacher my test and speeding out through the door.

I make my way to the the quad and bump into someone on the way. I look back to see Matt roll his eyes. We almost have matching outfits on as we have on the same shirt. I wear light blue shorts and him, jeans.

If being his brother isn't embarrassing enough, this is it. Unfortunately I join him to walk because he's going to meet with Joba.

We get to a hall where Joba and Merlyn and Kevin are. This is the first time I've actually seen them around school before. Matt had told me that Dom and Romil were already graduated.

Joba pulls me to his side and pecks my cheek.

A girl, who I've never met before, walks by looking at me and rolls her eyes, scoffing. I recognize her as the girl who was with Joba in the library a couple weeks ago. I don't knows what that's about and Joba doesn't seem to notice her so I ignore it.

Kevin and Matt start to talk to about graduation. It's not very far when you think about it. The subject of the conversation makes me feel uneasy as Matt will probably go off to live on his own or something and Joba will be too, if they do end up moving to LA after all.

Joba tells me that he's not sure if he's really going to move with them but he still has time to decide. I tell him he should flunk our so he can just stay here with me. He's told me he was already flunking History and Chemistry hence the fact that he had a class with Harrison and I still taking science. But he says that's absurd  and he's been trying hard to raise his grades but he's been distracted a lot. I know it is but I can't imagine being left alone to finish another dreadful year of high school. Although Harrison is here, he's often busy with this own issues.

Remembering, how Merlyn and Sahar we're getting along so well and disappeared upstairs for a bit, I questioned him what all that was about. He tells us she was really kind and beautiful. A girl like he's never met before and they had so much in common, "I really connected with her, it's crazy. She said I could go visit her when I can. I think I will". Merlyn seems really happy and I'm glad.

The bell rings and we go out separate ways, except Joba.

Joba walks me to chem holding my hand. "What's with you and Matt twinning today?", he asks laughing. I appreciate him holding back the question until it was just two.

"My aunt made us wear it. I was hoping you wouldn't notice", I say holding my hands up to my face.

"I should probably leave you here", he stops and we are in the middle of a random hall.

"What why? My class is all the way across campus", I say confused, looking around.

"I cant be seen with you", he laughs as I slap his arm with a pout on my face.

"Bye then. I'll see you later I hope.", I hug him and give him a farewell kiss.

I find my seat next to Harrison who is here early. I anxiously shake my foot waiting for class to start. Nick isn't in class yet but I don't know how I'm supposed to act around his presence. I know he didn't know what he was doing or wasn't thinking for that matter. There was no harm meant, I don't think, but it's still a scary feeling.

"How was the test? Did you ever read the material?", asks Harrison.

"No, I forgot and I did so bad. I hate myself for it", I pout, putting my head down.

Mr.Karrington starts the lesson and at the end mentions an upcoming project we are required to do and in pairs. It makes up 15% of our grade. The only person I can trust to work with is Harrison. I turn to him when 'choosing a partner' is said. I give him a look. That look you give your friend when you want to work with them.

"I will be choosing the pairs. It will give you a chance to work with someone you haven't worked with before and allow you to find a way to communicate and help each other out", Mr. Karrington lists pairs while looking at the roster.

"Harrison and Linda...", he looks around the room finding someone to pair me with as I'm the last one who's not been called.

Just then, the door opens and Nick comes in. He doesn't look roughed up at all and I bet he doesn't remember anything about that night. He finds his seat in front of me.

"Ah, Mr.Lenzini you will be working with Billie". He walks back to his desk and grabs a stack of papers with more details, handing them out. Nick slightly turns, looking at me with his peripheral vision.

Harrison shouts out,"Mr.Karrington I'll work with Nick instead. I think we could work well".

Mr.Karrington shakes his head and goes back to his work.

I convince myself that it can't be that bad. I don't know how Matt or Joba will react to this and I'd hate to know.

Thank you for all the reads!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

Hope this doesn't bore you <333

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