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Joba and I are in my room. I'm on the bed while he spins around in my desk chair. He tells me everything. He has to find a place to stay because his brother basically kicked him out. He doesn't want to go back because he feels there's nothing there for him. He spaces out a lot trying to think and I know he has no idea what he's gonna do. What's makes matters worse is that it all happened literally out of nowhere, in the middle of the school year. Romil let him stay for a while since he has an entire house of empty rooms but Joba doesn't want to impose and I understand.

I look at him with concern in my eyes and I look down at my hands. "Well maybe you can stay with Ciaran. Or one of the other guys", I suggest.

He shrugs. His presses his lips together while going on his phone. He's texting someone and sighs.

"Well I'm worried". I say.

Mom walks by and lightly knocks on my half open door. "Hi Joba, I didn't see you come in".

"Oh hello Mrs.Champion. Sorry Billie said you were busy out back", he says.

I look at Joba and smile at my mom, "Did you need something mom?".

She shakes her head and smiles back. "Just checking up on you and leave the door open,". She looks into the Hall to see Matt come in. She tells him something and then comes inside. "Is everything okay?", she says noticing Joba burying his head in his hands while anxiously pacing his foot.

He's about to say no until I decide maybe she could help him.

Disregarding whoever the person is, mom always is willing to help them out and I'm hoping this is one of those times.

"Joba has to move back to where he used to live unless he has somewhere to stay. His brother just isn't able to let him stay with him anymore".

She thinks for a second trying to process it all. She nods her head and sits next to me. She stills doesn't know much about him or his move but she still asks, "There's no one you can stay with? Any family or friends?".

He shakes his head. There is but he's just stubborn. He could easily avoid being in this situational  if he just took Romil's offer.

She smiles. "Well I'll see what I can do", she walks over to him and rubs his back before leaving.

"What does she mean?", Joba asks. I don't know what mom can do but at least she knows. She also didn't freak out or say anything about Joba not having a place to live really so that's good.

I shrug.

We just chill in my room on my laptop. I lay on Joba's right side with my head laying on his chest and he scrolls through Netflix looking for a movie to watch. He suggests a movie but every time he does I shake my head and tell him to keep scrolling down. I feel comfortable by his side.

"You're never going to decide on a movie so I'll just pick one. Let's do a comedy". Joba Says.

He chooses Dumb and Dumber. Im not really into comedies. As it's about to start, I think about pausing it and telling Joba to pick another but I decide against it. I feel he should be distracted to get things off his mind and seeing him laugh as the two men make fools of themselves, makes me happy. It isn't even humorous but I can go through it for Joba.

Jobas Pov:
Ms.Champion comes in saying, "Joba so-". She slowly stops herself when she sees Billie has fallen asleep on me. Again. I don't mind her and I love when she sleeps on me. She sleeps a lot I've noticed.

She speaks in a whisper. "Where are you going to live?".

This is embarrassing. "I haven't really thought about it but it'll be okay Ms.Champion. Really". I insist her to not worry about it.

She offers me to stay at her house for as long as I need.

I don't see the strict, firm mother that Billie describes her as.

I think about it for a second. I feel I should decline because I don't know how Billie will feel about it. I feel I'd be intruding and I met her family like a day ago.

I thank her for offer and explain to her that I don't think it would be a good idea but if I still somewhere to go I'll come back.

She smiles kindly. "Of course. Anything and you come to me. Or Parker". She leaves the door half open and exists.

I close Billie's laptop and gently slide from under her. I've been here for quite a while and it's getting late.

I pull the blue comforter over her and kiss her forehead.

As I walk out, a middle aged lady with a pile of clothes inside a bag greets me, "hi, you must be Joba".

I smile awkwardly, "hi".

"I'm Ham. I know odd name. Billie's told me about you I'm just glad we can finally meet", she says giving me a hug. Nice lady.

"Yea". I laugh awkwardly.

"Well excuse me I have to go pack, it was nice meeting you,". She walks away by turns around, "you seem like a sweet boy so just take Bella's offer and stay here".

I drive hom- to my brothers apartment and sit in my car outside. I roll down the window and light a cigarette. I stay there for a while in there until I can clear my head.

I find myself driving to Romil's after a while of sitting there and he leads me to the empty room where Billie and I were in the night it was pouring.

"Thanks Romil". I say patting his back.

"Don't worry about it dude. My parents went to visit some family for two weeks so it's cool if you stay here. I already tol' em".

I set my stuff aside and lay awake on the bed until I fall asleep. The last thought I have is of Billie.

I remember of all the times we've spent together and how it was gods giving to have met her because she is amazing and I've never had anyone like her. I'm just glad I can have her at times like this. Her familys been good to me and to think I was worried about them not liking is absurd now seeing how welcoming they are.


I love writing this fanfic but I feel it could have been written so much better and should have been planned ahead and I want to write another but I want to finish this. I just hope you guys genuinely like this book. Please let me know!! 😫

All this content from Abbey Road makes me so happy and proud of them <33

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