thirty two

408 14 0

Billie's pov
I dread waking up. The sound of the alarm going off everyday at 6 am annoys me. It's just the alarm in general. I can change the ringtone or song but either way It's always unpleasant.

I take a quick shower and change into a green cami. I wear some light wash mom jeans and slip on basic white converse. My hair is tied up into a pony tail. For the first time. I usually feel self conscious when my hair isn't down but I feel I should try something different today.

Matt is in the kitchen already eating breakfast. Mom made pancakes again and there's one left on the plate. I grab it at the same time Matt reaches for it. "You already had like three. This is mine. Thank you", I eat it just like that and take a bite.

Matt rushes out to the car while I take my time. Dad comes out in his blue robe and sits next to me holding up his newspaper.

He puts it down and looks at me until I notice, "How did you sleep sweetie?".

I sip my milk, "good".

"So about yesterday," he says. I think I know where this is going. "Joba is eighteen. You are not. Do you know what that means?"

I should have seen that coming. I'm only seventeen for another 11 months. In my defense, I didn't know about that but I mean ok and what? "Okay", I respond.

"Well you should know what is wrong and what is right. So I'm going to trust you to do what's right", he says looking back down at his newspaper. He's understanding but I appreciate him not making it a huge thing.

I kiss him goodbye and join Matt who's in the car listening to music with the volume all the way up. I swear going to school with him is embarrassing sometimes. We get to student parking lot and everybody walking turns to face our car. I'm sure they can hear what we're listening to. The car vibrates.

In History, I see Harrison. He has his head down and has earphones in. I can hear his music through the earphone. I pat his shoulder to get his attention. He looks up and his eyes are puffy and have redness in them. What did I miss?

I furrow my eyebrows, "Whats up with you today?".

He covers his face with his hands and rubs his eyes. He takes a drink of water and sighs, "I didn't sleep at all last night. I hung out with Linda and we did something that if my parents found out, they'd kill me. If I was thinking straight, I'd kill me too".

Still confused i raise my eyebrows signaling for him to go on.

"She got me high. Well I can't blame it on her. I got high but she told me it would be okay", he says.

Linda doesn't seem the type to do pot. I wouldn't have ever seen her as a pothead. Now that I think about it, she has always appeared odd to me. Innocent appearance but I guess it doesn't go both ways.

I shake my head at Harrison. Hes thrown of track and that means a lot if we're talking about Harrison. I tell him to just stay hydrated or to go to the nurses office and he does.

When class is over, I walk out expecting Joba to be outside the door. No Joba. I figure now will be a good time to study a bit at the library for Math. I suck at Math along with all the other subjects. I find an empty seat in the back and take out my laptop. I work on an online assignment and practice with some problems. I put in my earphones and go to Jobas spotify account. He has a ton of playlists filled with good music. I click on the one titled "Love". The songs on here are very relaxing and alternative. There's a bunch of instrumental on these tracks and I find myself liking it. Some songs sound familiar.

As I'm doing my work I look up to see Merlyn doing work across the table from me. I go over and say hi.

"Hey Billie", he says smiling resting his cheek on his palm.

"Shouldn't you be with Matt and Kevin?", I ask.

He slams his book shut and furrows his eyebrows thinking about it, "I too want to graduate. No more slacking". I wouldn't have taken Merlyn for being a lazy bum.

After school, I Wait out front for Matt. I sit on a bench in front of the office and go on my phone. I haven't texted Joba but I'll wait until later to call him. A girl sits next to me. The same girl I saw roll her eyes at me in the hall the other day. She doesn't seem to notice me until I sneeze.

"Bless you", she says. She looks at me and again rolls her eyes. Umm, who even is she? I don't know her nor does she know me and she's already acting a bitch. I look past keeping in mind that I've done nothing to her. Wonder what all that's about.

I fake smile. "Hey, you're friends with Joba, right?".

She scoffs and says, "Sure you could say that".

I'm not sure what she means by that, "I'm Billie. Jobas girlfriend". I mention that part because she knows Joba and obviously has an issue with me. I want a reaction out of her that will let me know what her role is.

"Are you?". She says in a deadpan voice raising one eyebrow. She takes a lipstick on and smears it on her lips smacking them afterwards. "Jobas never told me that".

I raise my eyebrows at her. Um okay bitch. Why would he tell you? Who are you? Actually now I'm wondering, why didn't he tell her? Her along with other girls at this school have to be aware that Joba and I are together. I can't risk anyone taking my mans away from me. Joba is real catch and I'm sure a bunch of girls talk to him in his classes. I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

Matt walks out of school and I join him leaving whatever her name is alone. When we get home, Matt waits for me to get out of the car. He reversed out of the driveway. I ask him where he's going.

"Don't worry about it. Tell mom I'll be back later".

"Um no, you're gonna tell her. Im in the clear already and I'm not risking it. I'll just say I walked home because you left without me".

"I see how it is", he says offended. I probably won't say anything though.

I go inside and see mom and aunt Ham gardening in the back yard. Spring is next and well the cold has gone away so this is what mom does every year. I don't bother them seeing as they don't even know I'm here yet.

I plop myself onto my bed and call Joba. He answers on the fourth ring and speaks in a hesitant voice but he still sounds somewhat eager to talk to me. I ask him where he was today, I missed him.

"Sorry love, I had to take care of some things. Something just happened and I couldn't leave it. I miss you", he says. I hear muffled voices conversing in the background.

"is everything okay? Are you at home?", I ask.

"About that... I'll tell you when I see you. Can I see you later?", he asks.

I say yes, "text when you're coming".


I'm so excited to see what the boys are making probably at this very moment because they don't know what sleep is!!

I wish I could see them in LA or something but I'm a broke bitch who doesn't drive. );

LOVELY * JOBANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ