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*Will involve sexual harassment. If this upsets you I suggest you don't read this. Please read at your own risk*


Nick approaches me and sits on the sofas arm. He looks a little out of it. I don't think he's drunk drunk but a little tipsy, yes. I never thought I would see him here. I'm a little confused as to why all of a sudden he's talking to me, "I was looking for you at school". He chugs the last of his drink and throws the cup on the floor.

Why was he looking for me? Harrison told me Nick was talking to him but he never told me about what.

"Are you okay?", I ask as he's struggling to keep his body balanced on the arm of the sofa, almost falling over.

He leans over to me, I could smell the alcohol on his breath and I nearly gag, "I just think we shoul be friendsss". On second thought, he might be a little on the drunk side.

Shocked to hear this I smile at him softly obvious still puzzled, "Okay Nick. Thats fine". Wanting this conversation to end because I start to feel uncomfortable and a little claustrophobic, I get up. "I'm gonna go grab a water," I say hoping that gets Nick to leave me alone.

"Wait!", he calls out as he runs towards me.

He wraps his hand around my wrist, "don't I get a proper goodbye". He slips his other hand around  my neck and comes closer to me.

"What are you doing Nick!", I say almost shouting at him, but no one else can hear. He presses his lips against mine.

I'm shocked and don't know what to do. I don't react or do anything. I just feel frozen because I've never been in any situation like this before. His grip is almost too strong for me to pull apart. I push my hands against his chest trying to make him stop.

It seemed like a long time but I know it was only for a few seconds.

"What the Fuck dude!", yells someone from across the room, charging towards Nick.

Joba pushes Nick off me and he falls to the floor. Joba then starts to violently stomp on Nick.

Oh my god what the fuck has gotten into Joba. Sahar wasn't kidding when she said he was overprotective.

I feel tears forming at the corners of my eyes, rolling down my face.

"Billie what happened, are you okay?", Joba says wrapping his arms around me. It's crazy how just one minute ago I was in a state of fear and now I feel safe with Joba holding me.

I nod slowly, "let's just go Joba,".

Nick lies on the floor, passed out probably. The music lowered but the party didn't stop seeing as everybody kept doing what they were doing minding their own business.

The party host, Im guessing his name is Ciaran after turning around when multiple people called out for him, passes by us and Joba asks him, "Where's Jon?".

Ciaran shrugs, saying nothing and picks up a guitar, giving the party crowd a performance. Damn he's good, but that's besides the point. The music starts again, louder this time. Sahar goes into the crowd of people dancing on two guys.

Joba drags her back and out the house, leaving the two guys she was dancing with watch with disappointment as she leaves.

"Call me", she shouts, winking at one of the boys as she's being dragged away.

Helping Joba lead Sahar to the car, she's half stripped of her clothes only left in her undergarments. I take my hoodie off and have her put it on.

"I don't feel so good, Joba", she says. She violently gags until it comes out. All in Joba's car.

"It was probably those donuts you had", Says Joba almost as if he's going to throw up too. She did say she was vegan. Maybe she was also lactose intolerant. Who knows or maybe she ate one too many of those.

"No I didn't!", she says upset. She falls asleep in the back seat. Sahar is really kind but I now know she can get a little crazy while intoxicated.

"I shouldn't have left you alone. I'm sorry Billie", Says Joba while driving.

I say nothing. I'm embarrassed of what happened and feel ashamed. But I don't know why.

"I knew something bad would come from this party tonight. And my brother who invited Sahar didn't make sure she was okay".

"Don't worry, we're all good now Joba". I grab his hand and kiss it.

"I'm glad you're okay", he looks in the rear view mirror checking on Sahar who is still asleep, "Sahar too, but I should take you home now".

"That's probably a good idea".

Thank you for those who left comments. I got so excited when I read them!

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