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December 14 / A Walk

As we walk down the street Billie starts asking me questions. "So where did you move from?", she asks showing an interest in trying to get to know more about me.

"Just from a small town north in the state. I lived there for about two years. I  grew up in a neighborhood nearby here and lived here up until I moved". I answer.

"So you came back. What does Houston have that your little idle town didn't?" She says, giving me a cheeky smile.

"Well now that I think of it, we didn't have a Billie around. haha," I start to kick around a little pebble and when it rolls off to the side, Billie joins in kicking it around as well. "Actually, I just missed the people, my friends and the atmosphere down here, it's just a place I'm most familiar with and I guess I got kind of homesick. I never considered where up north to be home", I say answering her question.

"Is there anything you like to do?" She asks.

"Well, I do mess around with sounds and beats sometimes. Which is mainly the reason I came back too. I've made some connections and opportunities here that I didn't have up north".

"Like music?".

"Something like that". I scratch the back of my neck, looking down at the pebble.

The pebble gets stuck in a crack and we leave it. "Tell me something about you. Impress me by telling me of all the fascinating things you've done", I say to her, making it my turn to learn something about her.

"Well I've ridden my bike downtown only to find myself rolling down steep hills and almost died", she says looking at me blankly then bursts out laughing.

"Are you serious?", I ask laughing louder than I should have. "How was it?".

"Not as fun as you'd think. Ive never really done 'fascinating' things. I hang out with my best friend, Harrison, but we only occasionally have fun." She says looking down at her feet as we keep walking.

"And what's 'fun' for you? Is this fun?". I ask, reaching out for her hand, gripping onto it. She glances at it and smiles. I can feel myself blushing as well as her.

"Yes. haha. I don't know I've just always enjoyed being out. Taking hikes and biking around the city listening to music. Being outdoors and getting some fresh air relaxes me from the stress of school". We turn to a different street and she continues when I don't say anything.

As I learned more about Billie, I wanted keep knowing more. She's different than the girls up north. We've been walking for hours I bet but it didn't feel like it. I just wanted to keep going but I could see Billie was getting colder. Even under all that clothing. Her garments are thin so I tell her to take her coat off and give her my denim jacket with fur on the inside. It fits her big, making her sink in and appearing smaller than she is but it's a good look.

Billie's POV:
Joba gives me his jacket and already I start to feel warmer and comfortable but not because I wearing his jacket. It was from being close to him.

We keep walking as a car pulls up to the sidewalk, slowly driving by, almost following us. The window rolls down and inside is Matt driving with Tavia and two of his friends who I don't recognize, but Joba seems to.


I was prewriting some chapters and I might just update them all. Let me know whacha think

The next chapter is kind of interesting (;;

LOVELY * JOBAМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя