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December 17 / School

Come Monday, I go to all of my classes, in which nothing special happened, as usual. At lunch I go to the library to meet up with Harrison. He is sitting at a table in the corner of the library. I make my way over and find a seat next to him. Like always, his nose in his book so I decide to sneak up on him. I slowly and quietly creep up behind him and before I even get the chance to say boo in his ear, he turns around to greet me, "oh hey Billie". He looks at me strangely raising his one eyebrow.

"You weren't supposed to see me. You're no fun. What are you up to?", I ask taking a seat beside him.

"Reading but talk to me. What's up with you and Joba?". He asks looking past me

I turn to look back over my shoulder and just across the library is Joba sitting at a table with a girl. I squint my eyes to get a better view and as they're talking, she laughs and places her hand on arm. I brush it off, As I ponder the fact that I don't really know what me and Joba are. He made the last couple days a fun adventure but could we really be anything more than friends.

I clear my throat as I turn back looking at Harrison, "I'm sure I'm not his only friend I mean look at him, he's adorable and kind. He's prone to easily make friends".

I glance back one more time and Joba gives me a head nod, smiling at me. Why does he do that. The girl looks at him then at me and rolls her eyes. I just wave to him and looks away again.

"Isn't that Kate? She's a senior".

"Oh", I say softly. Well makes sense, in case I forgot, Joba is a senior. It's only comprehensive that he's hanging out with people in his grade. I'm just a junior and well honestly I don't know what he would want from me that he can't get from any other girl whose a senior.

Harrison and I disregard the scene happening before me and I tell him about Matt's music group he's in and how I feel happy for him. And coincidentally when I bring up The part about Joba being included, he walks up to our table.

"Hey Billie. Can I talk to you?", he asks nervously. "Hey Harrison". He says noticing him literally just now. I look at Harrison to ask for approval and he gets up, "I'll catch you guys later, Bye Billie.. Joba".

Joba takes a Harrison's seat, "Did Matt talk to you about Thursday? He told me he would tell you about after telling you about our music and all that". He says smiling at me.

"Yea he did. I'll go and that's so cool what you do. Maybe you can show me how do your magic and I'd love to hear you sing too".

His face turns red and he presses his lips together, "Id like that". I flash a smile at him and then realize Winter break starts next week. A month off from school sounds lovely and I can't wait.

"So what do you have planned for break?" I ask hoping he says he'll want to hang out.

He looks down at his phone seeing a text from someone, "Well I have a friend coming down from north Texas but other than that, the boys and I were going to spend time making music and just fool around with it".

"Oh well that sounds fun", I say sad he didn't mention wanting us to hang out".

"And I was hoping you and I could spend some time together. I've just been thinking about my feelings towards you.. and I realized that I kind of like you". He said smiling at me ever so shyly while fidgeting his hands.

I smile, scrunching my nose, "Kind of? Well I like you too. I'm glad we met. You know we haven't known each other long but I already feel our relationship blossoming". I say.

The bell rings and since we go back to our class. Joba walks me and drops me off at my sixth period with Mr.Karrington and then he goes off to his class. I sit down in my seat next to Harrison and behind Nick.

Nick turns back to me, "Hey".

"Hi?" I say with confusion in my voice as to why he's talking to me.

"So I'm sorry for being rude to you whenever we happen to talk".

"It's fine". He turns back around and I am just confused but leave it at that. Harrison smirks at me and I roll my eyes at him.

December 20 / House

The week goes by quickly as well as class and before I know it it's Thursday, the day I go with Matt to meet his friends and check out what it is they do. I forget about he flash drive Matt had given me so when I get home, I put it into my computer, plugging my earphones in and I take a listen.

After a couple raw songs, I am in awe at how good my brother is at singing and to see how much potential he has.

At 7, Matt barges into my room carrying a bunch of cases and equipment in his hands. "Let's get going. Oh and mom and dad left again to go visit aunt Ham in the hospital so they won't be back for a couple of days".

"Did she have a stroke again?" I say worried about her. I mean I never really met most of my dad's family but I still feel upset to hear about this news.

"She's fine, but they just wanted to stay with her for a couple of days".

"Okay good, well let's go then"

"Are you nervous?"

"No why would I be? I'm sure everything will be fine. I'm just glad I can finally meet some of your friends and get in on the action that you've been doing".

I am so bad at writing but I promise I'll get better. Thank you for 700 reads! I love you whoever has made it this far. <333

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