twenty five.

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After school, Matt drives me and Harrison home. I set my backpack down in the living room since my room is occupied and I would hate to just barge in there incase aunt Ham is taking a nap.

Harrison and I settle ourselves onto Matt's bed, taking our shoes off, making ourselves comfortable. It's technically my room now too.

Harrison offers to instead work with Nick behind Mr.Karringtons back but I decline.

"I don't think it'd be a good idea. He may not have been thinking straight or at all but if you feel uncomfortable then I don't want you to go through with it". Harrison takes out the guidelines for the project and reads them, "Your partner and you will write a report together after running five trials for an experiment mentioned later on... you must work together at all times...".

I start to feel a little hot so I pull my hair up into a pony tail. I roll my eyes, "it won't be that hard. Were gonna meet at school to do it and you can come too". I assure Harrison that it will be fine and I don't think anything happen again. I won't even mention it to Nick, partners is all we are and it's strictly school work. I wouldn't want it to be anymore anyway and i won't be talking to him other than that, not that he recollects anything anyways.

Matt comes in shocked to see me and Harrison in his room...our room. "Dinner will be ready in a bit. I need to change out of this shirt", he says taking his shirt off with no hesitation in front my friend and I.

I roll my eyes and shout, "seriously! That's disturbi-". I see writing on Matt's chest and wrinkle my eyebrows in curiosity, "Is that a tattoo? Moms gonna kill you".

Matt throws a shirt on and dismisses my 'allegations'. "Umm, I'll be in the living room", he says exiting them room.

"That was a tattoo," says Harrison.

Harrison and I share what we each did during the break before being called for dinner by my dad. After meeting aunt Ham on the way out, Harrison says bye to my parents.

The five of us sit at the dinner table. Mom serves us a plate of chicken soup and mashed potatoes. Matt and I sit awkwardly not knowing exactly what to talk about until Aunt Ham speaks.

"So Billie, thank you for letting me in your room. It's lovely and I couldn't help but notice all the vintage movies you have hidden away in the box beside your house. It's nice to know you youngsters still have a liking for the movies from back in my day".

Dad speaks, chewing his food,"That's amazing to hear Billie. Here I am thinking I am old".

I giggle, thanking Aunt Ham as I swirl around my soup.

"Well it's nice to know more about you two. What about you Matt? I couldn't help but notice a flash drive lying around Billies room labeled 'Matt demo'. I plugged it into my laptop and was blown away by what I heard. I didn't know you made music".

Speechless, Matt doesn't say anything except exchange looks with me.

Shocked to hear this my Mom comments with one eye raised, "Do you? I'd like to hear this music of yours when you get the chance".

Matt nervously smiles, taking a sip of his soup. I cough grabbing everyone's attention and I try to change the subject by bringing up the project I have in chemistry.

Dad clears his through, eyeing Matt, "That's great Billie. Maybe you can teach your brother a thing or two about focusing on your academics".

It's clear that both my parents are not thrilled to find out Matt's music all because of Aunt Ham. I don't blame her, it was intentional of her to get Matt in this awkward situation. My parents have always been uptight and serious about our education. They just want what's best for Matt and I but in some cases, success can come from other ways too.  They aren't reacting as bad as I thought they would but when Aunt Ham leaves, I sure they will show their true colors.

Matt excuses himself and Mom follows leaving me at the table with dad and Aunt Ham.

They conversation and get distracted when my phone goes off. The screen lights up showing three messages received from "Joba ❤️❤️". Dad glances over and grabs it before I can. "Why does Joba have hearts on his name? Billie who is this?", he says in a serious voice.


I forget to mention this but omg the boy's new haircuts 🙈

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