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December 14 / Champion House

Joba's POV:
Her lips were soft and I was staring into her beautiful deep brown eyes. I was ready to kiss her again, but then I get a text from Sahara, my ex.

We had quite a long talk about what our relationship could become if we do this whole long-distance thing a couple weeks before I moved to south Texas. She doesn't do long distance even if it's only a couple of hours away. I understood and she told me she wanted to remain friends. I'm glad we worked it out but we haven't talked since I left. She was my first girlfriend and I kinda hate to say that I miss her a bit.

I have to admit at first, I thought Billie would be able to fill the void of Sahar and she has but now I'm starting to like her.

I pause for a moment. I let out a short sigh before opening her message: Hey Russ. Guess who's going on a road trip for the winter! I would love to visit you! Call me.

I look at Billie and she's looking back at her laptop. But I know she saw the name on my screen as her body language quickly changed, fixing her position and keeping her focus forced on the computer screen. I disregard the text for the moment and get back to watch the movie. She turns towards me, "everything okay?" She asks.

"Yea, sorry about that. I should probably put my phone on silent so we won't be interrupted again". I say trying to ease back into the moment we were having before. "Is it okay if I put my arm around you?".

"I wouldn't mind it. But I'm feeling kind of drowsy and I don't want to be a bore again or fall asleep like last time". She says, yawning. Her nose scrunched up and eyes closed. Everything she does is just graceful to watch.

I wrap my arm around her and I realize even though I met this girl just 24 hours ago, I feel a connection with her like none other before. She's just so real and simplistic, easy.

The movie is almost over and when I turn to look at her, she has her eyes closed. She's fallen asleep on me for the second time. I watch as her chest rises and drops. I look at the time and it's 2pm. I hate to wake her but I gently take my arm off and lightly tap her shoulder, "Billie".

She starts to mumbles, "I left the pizza on the counter. It's gonna get cold".

I laugh, "What?".

She's says again as her eyes open. "Sorry. I didn't mean to. I just got comfortable after you held me".

"Why don't we go for a walk?", I suggest.

She puts on a coat over her Harry Styles hoodie. He's a good looking guy. "Hey where Can I get one of those?", I ask making her laugh.

Heyyyy!! Thanks for reading this far. I appreciate you ((;

I want to know what you guys think so feel free to comment anything <33

I'm writing more chapters and updating one probably just once a day. Also Sorry for any errors.

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