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December 16 / Champion House

Harrison comes over the next day. "Hey Harrison, how are you?, asks my mom when he comes in the house.

"I'm good mrs.Champion".

My dad comes out into the living as well and says, "Mind asking your dad if he could lend me his telescope. I hear there's going to be a red moon next weekend. I'd love to get my eyes on that."

"Sure mr.Champion. I'll ask when I see him."

I blurt out, "We'll be out back!".

I give Harrison a glass of orange juice and we talk in the backyard. I start tell him all about Nick, Joba coming over, Matt and his talk with Joba.

"So Nick knows where you live now?", he asks trying to wrap his mind about everything I say. I nod my head. "Joba strangely shows up with a gift, You take a walk and then You meet some of Matt's friends who you've never been introduced to, and he and Joba were talking as if they've known each other for years?"

"Yess! forget about Nick! He's an ass, I never realized it. AnywAy, I forgot to mention the part where Joba and I kiss.", I say in a whisper making sure my parents aren't lurking around somewhere. I start to feel myself blush.

"You what?" Harrison chokes on his juice and starts coughing. I laugh at him. "I'm gone for one day and already you have a whole life story to tell me. Do you think he likes you?, he asks.

"I don't know. Maybe? I can't really say, but I'd like to think he does". I smile down at the floor, shyly taking a sip of my juice.

"It's possible, just don't get your hopes up. If he tries anything, you tell me and I'll rough him up".

"Oh really?" I laugh at him raising my eyebrows. "You couldn't even hurt a fly".

"Whatever Billie. But promise me you will." He says in a concerning voice.

I roll my eyes, "okayyy. I will tell you if anything happens with me and Joba. But only because you're my bff". I mock and We start to laugh.

"Have you started the reading?" He asks raising his eyebrows. I swear sometimes it's like I'm best friends with my mom.

"No. I will later."

"Don't. The test was moved back till after winter break."

"Sweet. Well let's go back inside. It's a little chilly out here". We go back inside to my room. There's loud music coming out of Matt's room. Wow, that really good music. Who knew my brother had good taste. I knock on his door and ask him to turn it down. He does. I leave the door to my room open because it can get humid in there and I don't want that nasty air.

"So what was it like anyways?" Harrison asks playing rummaging through the box of movies Joba gave me.

"What? The kiss?". He nods. "Well it was my first one so I can't really compare it to any other. But it was great! His lips were soft and gentle on mine. I just felt like I was flying". I say walking to my closet getting ready to change.

Harrison raises his eyebrows, "flying? Really?" He lets out a laugh?

"I know I can't explain it. But yea I guess. Like I didn't want to stop flying?" I'm bad at this lol. "It was just good". I say putting on an khaki jungle bucket-like hat and turning to face the mirror. "How does this look?". I tilt my head to get a view from a different angle.

"You look great. But why are you wearing that?"

"I feel adventurous when I wear. That's why." I take it off and set it down the bed.  I suddenly get the urge to use the bathroom, "I'll be right back". Making my way down the hall, I hear Matt talking from inside his room. He must be on the phone. I go into the bathroom forgetting that I can hear everything coming from his room as it's next door to the bathroom and the walls are very thin. I can't help but eavesdrop. I mean it's all I can really do.

"Okay I'll be there Thursday. Just don't forget the sound equipment you still from your parents ages ago." I hear him start to laugh and but I'm still not sure what he's talking about. "I guess I should tell her, she's gonna find out soon enough... seriously?... okay I'll see you bro". Suddenly his music is turned up on blast again and I'm done anyways doing my business.

"Harrison, I'm pretty sure something is up with Matt and he's not telling me".

"Like what?".

"Well I heard him talking to Joba about music stuff and then Joba confirmed when I asked him about t but I'm still confused. I mean I don't know Matt denied it".

"Well just ask your brother again. Maybe there's a reason he doesn't want to say anything. I mean if it were true, I don't think your parents would like that he's spending so much time on it if that's what he's doing".

"Yea well maybe". I say unsure, still pondering the idea.

Later that night Matt comes into my room and closes he door behind him. "So I need to tell you about something that I've been working on but you can't tell mom and dad". Finally some trust in me.

"What is it?". I ask furrowing my eyebrows and wearing a confusion on my face.

"The boys and I, who you haven't met but will soon, have been working on some projects. Music".

"You're lying. Why did you not tell me before? That's so cool".

He pulls out a flash drive from his pocket and gives it to me, "Here just listen to this and because I guess I was just embarrassed I don't know. It's the only thing I feel passionate about and I think it's what I want to do as a career".

I grab the flash drive form his hands, "Well that's great but don't get ahead of yourself Matt. I mean it is a risky career. But just so you know I appreciate you telling me".

"And one more thing, Joba is also in our group. It's a good thing he's here or else we might not have been able to move forward".

"What does he do?".

"He has a great voice and he's good at all that music engineering stuff. He's a great guy by the way Billie, but don't get too attached to him". He says looking down at his phone.

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, "I'm not. But thanks anyways."

"So Thursday I'm going to meet up with the guys to record some stuff and I want you to come".

"Really?" I say with a big smile on my face.

"Well let me rephrase that. Joba wants you to come". He says laughing.

"He does?" I can feel myself starting to blush. "Well I'd love to go".

Thank you for 600+ reads!! I'm so excited.
Anyway, I kind of have been slacking on writing and that kind of threw me off track Bc I made so many mistakes so sorry for any confusion.
Also I'm just finding out that Joba and Dom have girlfriends. That's so great for them.  <333
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