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joba flips through the pictures, looking intrigued. he raises his eyebrows and admired the polaroids. of course he wouldn't find them to be anything horrendous. he clears his throat, "you took these?".

i get red in the face and roll my eyes before taking them back from him. "that's not the point joba.", i complain. "someone left these at my door. somehow they managed to find these pictures and print them out. i don't know what the point of it was but i'm really freaking out about it because some creep has seen them. and these aren't the only ones i took. if they have these pictures, there's no doubt that they didn't miss the chance of seeing others i took.". of course i always made sure to never show my face in these pictures. i could get into big trouble. i pace back and forth around my room.

"calm down billie. you wouldn't even know it's you in these pictures. maybe just forget about them. come on, if you keep trying to find more about them you'll just make this worse. whoever sent these was just trying to scare you or something.".

i sigh knowing he's probably right. i delete the photos from my laptop and discard of the prints. feeling exposed and vulnerable, i put on a hoodie to cover up what any attention could be drawn to.

joba smiles lightly shaking his head. he places his arm around my shoulder, leading me into the living room. this is the part where he's supposed to go but i don't want him to. i open the door, "have fun. but not too much fun".

he pulls me into a hug and holds me for a good amount of time. he places a soft kiss on my forehead, "thanks. and just relax okay. enjoy your break".

"and don't tell Matt about this. you can't. he'll flip".

"Billie i don't know if i can keep this from him. you know he'll probably kick my ass if i don't let him know when things aren't okay with you"

"just dont".

i reluctantly smile and close the door as he drives away. i pick up the polaroid that had fallen earlier.

this one was different than the others. instead of the usual nude was a picture of Nick.

it was just a casual photo of him leaning against a locker at school. if Nick is the one who sent those polaroids, there's no doubt that he has pictures of me nude on his phone or laptop.

he was acting odd that day he came over to work on our chem project. i remember him straightening up when i came back from my room.

the thought of Nick going through my laptop to find these pictures of me made me furious. i don't understand why he would do that except i kind of do. i calm my breathing as it deepened.

i look out the window to see if Joba has left yet. He's gone. i can't think straight. he told me not to worry about it and i wasn't but that was before i found out that Nick did this.

i think the only logical thing that i could do is confront Nick about it. he sent the letter with no other context. no note, no explanation about anything. but he wanted me to know that he was the one who sent them. i take a deep breath and grab the house keys. if Matt or Joba knew where i was going, they'd surely stop me from leaving the house. but they're not here so i guess i have to go for it.

***don't forget to vote/comment also i'm writing another fanfiction so go read it!! <33***

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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