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December 24 / Joba's house

Jobas Pov:
I'm living with my brother since I moved here and he only has two bedrooms, I led Sahar to sleep in my room last night while I took the sofa in the living room. It's a small apartment we live in. My brother Jon said it would be okay to have me roommate with him until I graduate. It was the only way I was able come down, my parents would have never let me come back to Houston if my brother wasn't around.

Sahar didn't wake up until around one in the afternoon. Damn that girl sleeps a lot. I had to open the curtains to wake her and she threw a pillow at me. I roll my eyes at her, "I though you were here to visit me. Not sleep and hog my room.". All of her stuff is thrown on the floor and when I turn to exit the room, her bra is hanging on the door knob. I frown at it.

"Jooobbaaa", Jon, who's in the kitchen, calls out. "A buddy of mine is having a party later. You should come. It'll be Lit!!".

Party scenes aren't really my thing. The only thing that ever comes form going to parties, is trouble along with regrets. I sure as hell am not looking forward to any of that. "I'm good, Thanks", I say biting into an Apple.

"Come on! You've been here for a week and so far you've done nothing fun", he's trying to convince me but i won't budge. The last time I went to a party, I'm not gonna lie, I had a couple drinks and things did not end well. It was also the first time I consumed alcohol and i didn't hold it well. I'm not gonna talk about it.

"There'll be free booze and not to mention the LADIES", he says.

Sahar who is dressed now enters the kitchen, "did someone say free booze?".

"Sahar join me at Ciaran's House tonight for some partying", Jon says enthusiastically throwing his hands up in the air.

My brother is responsible, but he is a party animal at all costs when it comes to clubs, hanging out with friends, or at any event for that matter.

"I'm in", Says Sahar smiling. "You're no fun Russ! What am I supposed to do if you're not around?".

"Sorry Sahar but tomorrow we'll do something. And while you two do that, I'll be at Billie's", I say leaving out the front door.

"Who's Billie?", shouts Jon. I haven't told him about already having a girlfriend just days after moving here. I don't think I will just yet.

Benny's Skating Rink

It's adorable and funny at the same time seeing Billie attempt to get back on her feet after falling down on her bottom. Its like watching Bambi all over again. I help her by pulling her up by her hands.

"Thanks. I told you I can't skate on four wheels". She says holding on to me by the arm and chest.

"Don't worry you'll get it. Just hold on to my hand", I say as she grips it.

She struggles roller skating. I guess for her, considering her size, it's hard to skate on four wheels. The wheels are bulky making the skates heavy to lift.

Grabbing her hand, I skate around the rink slowly making sure she doesn't fall. She picks up the pace and keeps up with me. She's doing great! I then let go when I feel she has the hang of it. She skates away gracefully with a big smile on her tiny face. She's so beautiful.

I hear my phone buzz and I pull it out seeing I have 4 messages from Sahar.. BZZ.. no wait, 5 now:

(1) Ruzs U shuld habe Came! I'm havinnf the time of mi lifeejjjddjjd!!

(2) I miss! u Russ! 👺

(3) I'm dancing wit 2 hot guys!! Fuck its hot in heres

(4) Omg waiut there's DONUTS 2 yayyshh


I frown at the picture she sends

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I frown at the picture she sends. I knew this party wasn't a good idea. At least Jon is with her. He better be watching her. Then I get a message from Jon as well:

(1) Come get Sahar dude. She is way out of control. She's dancing on tables and going around flipping people off. She's embarrassing me 😩. Next time remind me to not invite her.

Oh Jon there won't be a next time I think to myself rolling my eyes. Great now I have to go pick her up.

Billie skates over to my side, "Is everything okay?".

I look at her with regret on my face, "No. Sahar and Jon went to a party. She's had way too much to drink and I should probably go pick her up".

"I can go with, if that's fine," Says Billie giving me a small smile.

"You're sure? I hate to ruin our fun", say.

"Of course Joba. Besides you taught me how to skate on four wheels today. I've fallen multiple times too so I think thats enough skating for today".

House Party at Ciaran's

Billie's Pov:
We get to the party and as soon as I step out of the car, I smell a stench of weed. It looks like a full house. Most of the people look like they're in college, while others are probably still underage and in high school. There's loud music playing. I'm surprised nobody's called the cops yet. People are dancing everywhere and stumbling on each other. There are also some people smoking in groups on the sofas.

People are doing all type of crazy shit. Dancing on non existent poles, riding around on skateboards inside. There was group who was carrying a mattress over their heads with a girl who was passed out lying on top. What a scene. I spot a couple of people from school who I have noticed roaming the halls, but none that would recognize me.

Joba worries looking around the house trying to see if Sahar is around. Before disappearing up the stairs, he asks me if I want to go up with him.

"I'll just stay here Joba," I say as I take an empty seat next to some kids who are high as fuck on the sofa in the living room. I make sure to keep my distance and being me, I cover my nose with the sleeve of the hoodie I am wearing. I never liked the smell of cannabis or any intoxicating smell at all.

I just sit there patiently waiting for Joba and Sahar. I pull out my phone scrolling through Instagram.

Someone interrupts me. "Hey Billie", calls out a familiar voice behind me, slurring their words. I turn around to see Nick leaning against a wall holding a red plastic cup in his hand.

I get so excited seeing Zuri and Joba together. Hopefully they bless us with some pictures from Lollapalooza tomorrow or I should say today because it's 12 am Ha. 💗

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