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"So... you want to meet Joba? Who is my boyfriend...", I ask for confirmation.

"If you're going to have a relationship with a boy we are yet to know, yes. Your father and I will have to meet him".

Dad just stays silent and nods agreeing with whatever mom says.

"Okay but where is this coming from? I thought you were always against me having a boyfriend and doing things that might distract me... not that Joba distracts me".

"Well it had just happened to be mentioned when I was with Aunt Ham. So Invite Joba for dinner so we can meet him", says mom smiling.

I didn't ask Aunt Ham to talk to mom and if I did, I didn't think it would make her change her mind. Especially dad's. He's especially serious about the topic.

I smile gently not making it a big deal even though it is to me. Matt bites into an Apple, "and what am I here for?".

Dad responds, "Music".

Matt raises his eyebrows waiting for him to finish.

Dad continues, "We heard it's very good and we agreed, your mother and I, that it's fine is you keep making".

Matt gets excited. He laughs and throws his apple on the floor as if it he were making a touchdown. Mom folds her arms and raises her eyebrows.

Matt stays quiet and picks the Apple up, "sorry".

"On the condition that you keep your focus on school first". Dad turns to me, "That goes for you too Billie".

Matt nods, smiling. I copy his action.

Later in the day, Matt shows them more of his and the bands music as they requested. They approve of it and dad seems to get with it as he moves his head up and down while listening to the beats. Mom carefully listens to the lyrics and comments on the important topics they sing about, "This is a great outlet to speak up about these kinds of music issues and it gives your music character. Good job Matty".

"You should have told us sooner", Says dad.

"Maybe not. Everything has its time", says mom patting dad's back.

"Does that mean we can go out again?", I ask hoping it's a yes. They basically just disregarded all punishments.

"Where exactly are you going?", asks dad.

"With Matt to his friends house. Only for a bit".

"Have you both done your school work?".

Um no. I'm holding it off for as long as possible. Yes", I respond.


"So they know?", asks Harrison while looking through my closet. I asked him for help on choosing an outfit for tomorrow. Matt let me go to Romil's  with him. When I see Joba I plan on telling him my parents want to meet him. I don't know how he'll . feel about that but I just hope it's not to soon for that.

I nod. He hands me some blue boyfriend jeans along with a mustard yellow cami top. "Wear these", he tosses a pair of all white superstars. I go into the bathroom to change into the outfit.

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