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I wake up at around 12 am. I cant find myself to fall asleep. I twist and turn every time i change my position.

The light from my phone lights up and a message from an unsaved number appear. At the same time, a message from Joba pops up.

My sight is blurry but it readjusts as I rub my eyes a bit. I am fully awake at this point, I read jobas message first. As I read it, I can see it took him a while to write. It doesn't start off with the greatest news. Not the kind I was expecting. There's a lot of words I can make out. I'm sure he typed this fast because I can't comprehend anything. He says to meet him outside and to bring a flashlight. I can't help but wonder why he wants me to bring a flashlight. He's being so secretive. If he plans on taking me back to The Cross, ill be content that I was awake and couldn't sleep.

I sit for a few seconds contemplating if I should sneak out on a school night to go to lord knows where with Joba. Id risk being caught. Mom is a light sleeper but spending ten years sleeping next to dad, who snores at a volume of 10 every night, I think I'll be able to slip by. If i I just stay in and try to fall back asleep, I'll keep Joba waiting outside. That's not a bad idea. I'd have a good laugh but it might be something important.

I put on an oversized hoodie and gradually put on brown uggs. Its chilly out. I eagerly put a black beanie on to keep my head warm.

His black Kia is lit up with and the engine in running. At this time the neighborhood is dead and his car isn't not noticeable. He has his freaking head lights on. Is he trying to purposely get me caught?

I walk out to his car. "What's happening. Should I be expecting a long drive?". I cross my arms. You never know with Joba. He's really something. He nods his head motioning for me to get in.

The ride is silent. Its comforting but every time I bring up his message, he tells me to hold that thought. He'll tell me when we get there.

I grunt. "And where are we going? I'm gonna text Matt. He owes me for all the times I've covered for him when he sneaks out". I pull out my phone and as I'm typing, Joba faintly sets his hand upon my phone and slips it into his pocket.

"Hey!". I pout. I reach over to steal it back but he holds my hand and sets our intertwined hands on my lap.

"Matt already knows we're coming". Joba says.

Hehe oops. Sorry I haven't updated but I guess I had writers block. I wrote this to hopefully get me back into the habit of writing Bc I MISSED THIS but I want to make the chapters better so I'll take my time writing them. This is really just a filler.

((: Thank you FOR ALL THE READS. 😌

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