eleven. (forgot i updated & wrote more in!)

647 14 2

December 15 / Champion House

Matt's POV:
"Joba So I need help producing a song. It's a good thing you came back when you did, we need you". I show Joba a snippet of a recording that Kevin took of my singing my song, Fangs.

"That sounds amazing raw but sure man, I could do that. Let me know".

"Thanks dude, I knew we could count on you. One more thing we want you to join our group".

"Serious Matt? I'd love too."

"But keep it in the down low, no one in my family really knows I'm doing this. Don't tell Billie about it. I know you've been hanging a little too much considering you met a couple days ago."

Joba considers it, "I'll try not too. It's a big deal, but I'll contain myself and thank you man".

"How are you and Sahar?" I ask remembering his relationship status and what it is now.

"We broke up. It was for the best but now she's coming in a week for break".

"Does my sister know?"

"No, but don't expect to tell her I mean it doesn't really have anything to do with her. I don't want to be too informative on things she doesn't know about yet".

"Good idea. But You should get going". I say and we agree to meet up during the week with the rest of the boys.

Billie's POV:
It's dark out when I wake up to go to the bathroom and as I pass by Matt's room, I hear conversation. I hear a familiar voice. I go to the bathroom and on my way back to my room, I open Matt's door to see if he's home.

Joba and Matt are in there talking but they stop when they see me. Matt gives me his 'what are you doing in my room' look.

"I thought you weren't going to come back till midnight stupid". I say, looking at Matt with disappointment.

"Because you snitched on me, I had to come home or mom wouldn't allow Tavia to come anymore"

"Oh. I didn't know". I smile at Joba who's sitting at Matt's desk and wave to him, "hi".

He smiles back and waves, "Hi Billie".

"Gooo". Says Matt throwing a stinky sock at me. I swear I'm about to pass out from the smell. I leave the room and go on my phone for a bit until Joba and Matt stop talking.

Moments later there's a knock at my door. "Come in." I say.

"Hey hon, what are you up to?". It's just my mom. "Who's jacket is that?" She asks pointing to the denim jacket laying on my bed.

"This?" I ask not knowing what to say. My mom is so nosy and if I tell her about Joba, she'll freak and give me a whole two hour lecture on the topic of how I'm too young to be going out with boys blah blah. Yet look at Matt and Tavia. Literally nobody around here acts like I'm 17 and he's 18. I hate being the younger child. The oldest gets to go around doing whatever they please while I'm being treated like a child.

"Umm it's-", before I finish my thought Joba knocks on my door even though it's half open. He knows he shouldn't have knocked when he sees my mom.

"Uh hi." He says. "Sorry to interrupt miss. I just wanted to say goodbye to Billie".

I excuse myself, grabbing the jacket and go out into the living room. "Sorry about that", he apologizes.

"It's fine. I was kind of stuck in there. My mom started asking questions. Well here's your jacket.", I say handing him his jacket. I kind of don't want to give it back. It smells like him. Sweet.

"Thanks", he laughs and looks down at his feet. "Well I gotta go. I'll text you though okay?".

"Wait, what did Matt want to talk about? I was just worried it had something to do with you and I. If he said something, don't listen to him. He's just looking our for me I'm sure". When I said that, Joba's looked confused as heck.

"No actually he wanted to talk about something else. I assume you don't know about it?", he says tilting his head. He looks cute when he did that. I shake my head.

"Music. He wanted me to help him and the guys out with recording some vocals and helping out with the sound engineering." He replies.

I have no idea what he's talking about. Music? What music?

I nod my hand and show off a tiny smile pretending like I know what he's talking about, "Ohh, Okay. Well thanks for telling me. I'll see you Monday at school." He walks out and I watch as he leaves.

I turn around and my moms standing in the living room looking at me. She scared me gee. She asks, "isn't that the guy who you were with outside earlier? Is he one of Matt's friends?".

"Uhh Yea he is. He is also who that jacket belongs too. But don't worry, he just left it the other day and I kept it for him. You know Matt's room stinks and I didn't think he'd enjoy that musty scent on his clothes." I smile at her disregarding her suspicion and go to the hall.

I try opening Matt's door, but it's locked. I hate when he's always so secretive. What does he have to hide. I knock aggressively on his door knowing it'll bother him enough to make him open it.

"Whatttt do you want Billie?", he says in a whiny voice. He takes his headphones off and leaves them hanging around his neck. "Can't you see I'm busy".

"What was it you were talking to Joba about? Something about singing and other musical stuff?", I ask suspicious of what my brother does when I don't see him for days.

"Did he tell you that?"

"No I just kind of overheard while in the bathroom".

"I don't know what you're talking about. Sorry." He slams the door shut in my face.

LOVELY * JOBAWhere stories live. Discover now