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December 23

Instead of taking me home right away, Joba and I spend the afternoon driving through town and enjoying each other's company as a newly couple.

"Won't Sahar be waiting to you?," I say concerned as he begins to drive. She did come here to visit Joba yet he's here with me. Of course I want to be with him and not share him but I don't want him to seem rude either.

"She's fine, she's out with one of her friends who lives down here too. Besides I have something planned for us later".

Us as in him and Sahar or the three of us?

We first go down to the beach for a while despite it being chilly out. Its cloudy and gloomy but days like these are the ones I enjoy most. We find a sandy hill and lay our sweaters down we sit on them. It is winter so it starts to get dim out pretty quickly at around 5. I lay my head on his chest as we watch the sun set.

A couple minutes later we arrive to my house. Joba parks his car on the curb outside my driveway and we sit there for a while listening to music. Moon River by Frank Ocean starts to play. "I love this song", I say turning the volume up as I close my eyes and sway my head from side to side. I sing along softly and Joba joins, "Moon river wider than a mile. crossin' in style someday".

I silence my signing and look at him shocked to hear his singing voice. Matt said he could sing, but I didn't know he was this good. Super good actually.

He glances at me then does a double take seeing me gape. He laughs, "Did I surprise you?".

"You're really good. Maybe I should just not sing from now on", I say embarrassed realizing how terrible I am at singing. He chuckles.

I then get a message from Harrison who I feel like I haven't seen in days. I open the message:

(1) How dare you leave me to sit alone in Karringtons today. Nick would not stop talking to me for some odd reason I am yet to find out. Where were you? I miss you Bill );

I smile down at the text. Poor Harrison and I agree what was that all about? Nick has never been talkative to Harrison nor I for that matter. Anyway I text him back:

Sorry Harrison! We got stuck at Matt's friends house last night and the ride was long so we had to miss school. Miss ya too H.

"So I know you're probably sick of me by now, but I had one more thing planned if you don't mind. And of course if Matt doesn't either", Says Joba interrupting me while on my phone.

"Matt? I don't have to run everything by him Joba".

"You're right, I just want to make sure he's okay with this. We've been bros for years and I don't want to disrespect him by going out with you", he reasons. He really is a gentleman and I like that quality of his. It's sweet that he takes my ass brother into consideration but I hate being treated like I can't make my own decisions.

Letting it go I roll my eyes and sigh, "Fine, I'll text him".

I send Matt a message only to let him known I'm going out with Joba for a little while more. He responds with an okay and reminds me to have fun. I guess he doesn't mind me and Joba which is good.

LOVELY * JOBAWhere stories live. Discover now