chapter 7

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        "KATHERINE, it's 7:30 already! You're going to be late for your flight!" yells my mom from down stairs. "I'm coming!" I shout back at her. I get my suitcase and jacket and head down stairs. I look over at my mom and she's already got tears in her eyes. "Moooom" I say while hugging her. "I'm sorry love, I'm just really going to miss you" she says hugging me back. "It's only for a couple of months" I reply. "You're right" she says whipping her tears from her face. "Just be careful & I'll be calling you at least every night" she continues. "Don't worry mom, i already got Shawn for protection." I say laughing. She nods and we head out to the airport. We arrive there later than we should have but still early enough for me. I hug my mom goodbye and walk inside to find Shawn. I spot him and start walking towards him. "Late as usual" he says greeting me. "When am I ever on time?" I reply smiling. He laughs & takes my bags. "Are you going to be okay with this? You know flying and all?" He asks me while we board onto the plane. "Yeah" I reply. "I guess you got jack to thank for that." He says smiling. I nod and try my best to put a fake smile on. "Hey.. I'm sorry" He says. "You got nothing to apologize for" I say. "Yeah but-" The flight attendant interrupts him before finishing and I couldn't thank her enough. 

        Thinking about him was already painful enough. Talking about him would just make the volcanoes in my chest erupt. It's been two months since I've seen or heard from him. In those two months I've done nothing but regret hurting him. I can't even say or write his name without crying the rivers in bones dry. It's not losing him that pains me the most. It's knowing that I'm the cause for his pain, for whatever agony I made him feel that day. I lose myself in my thoughts and don't even listen to what the flight attendant says. Shawn grabs my hand and squeezes it with all his strength. I don't even twitch. He turns and gazes at me. "Sorry" he says. "For what?" I say looking out the window. "For your pain" he says still holding onto my hand. It didn't matter how much physical pain I felt.. The agony I felt inside me overcame anything. I squeeze his hand back and hold on to it. Still looking out the window, I drift into a deep sleep with the hope that these next months change everything.

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