Chapter 22

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Jack's POV:
"We're together jack" the words keep replaying in my head. Out of all the guys.. she goes for sam. For him?! That's fucking bullshit. I have no right to be angry with her after what i did, but every time the thought of sam being that close to her.. getting to touch her, it makes my blood boil. I dial her number but it went straight to voicemail. I let out a shaky breath after hearing the beep, "I need to see you. I need to tell you, show you how much I miss you," i pause trying to find the right words to say. "Please pick up. I need you. God, I need you. I'm sorry, I lo-," the recording stopped. I hang up, feeling the tears form in my eyes. Running my hands through my hair i let out a string of curses, trying to release my anger. "Fuck fuck fuck!" I punch the steering wheel causing it to honk and swerve the jeep. "Shit," I mutter, stoping the car and laying my head back on the seat. I couldn't stand the events that occurred 20 minutes ago any longer. I start my engine again and make my way to an escape. 10 minutes later my hand reaches up to my lips, the words "we're together" replayed in my head. I quickly light the blunt and inhale. I take another hit and let the high take over me. I fucking love her. Fuck her man, fuck her. I wish I could fuck her. Touch her lips. Trace my lips all over her body. Hear her say my name in pleasure. I crave her. I need her. How did I lose her? How could have I chosen heather over her? I want her back.. I need to get her back. I take one more hit and close my eyes. All her features start to pop in my head. Her laugh, man do I miss her laugh. Her smile, how much I love it curve. Don't let me get started on her long dark hair and her eyes, what a light brown they are. As my reminiscing continues, I get a call. "What!" I ask annoyed. "Well, someone's not in a good mood." says nash. "Sorry, what's up man?" I say as my high takes over and calms my nerves. "You know how Shawn's celebration party is tonight?" "So? That dude hates me." I quickly add. "Maybe, but he wants all the guys to be there. So I'll see you at 8 and wear a tucks!" He says before hanging up, not letting me respond. I don't want to go, but knowing Shawn .. Kat's most likely going to be there. I gotta show her.. I gotta get her back. I start my engine again and drive to the hotel. She's going to be mine again, she still is.

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