chapter 19

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Kat's POV:

"Katherine" I hear from a far distance. "Katherine wake up" the voice is still far but I can make out of it. It was sammy. "Katherine it's 7 in the afternoon. You need to wake up" i groan at how loud his voice was. "Katherine" he repeats. "WHAT" I shout as I get up quickly. "Ugh! My head is killing me can you please lower your voice!" I add. "Um, you're the only one shouting hear." He says with a small laugh. I open my eyes better and look around. "Where are we?" I ask while holding onto my head. I forgot how horrible hangovers can be. "Here, drink this" he says while lifting a cup up to my mouth. It smelled and tasted like ass. "Sammy wtf is that!?" I ask as I spit the drink out. He laughs, "tastes horrible huh?" "Like ass" I reply. "Yeah, but it helps with the hangover." He says. I ache from my head pain and look at him. I grab the drink and chug it down. "I'm going to vomit" I say as I finish the drink. He smiles and gets up. I try to do the same but my legs are so weak and my head is spinning I lay back down. "Do you remember last night?" He asks me while looking through a suitcase. I look up at the ceiling thinking how I should respond to that question. If I say yes, I'll save myself the pain of hearing everything all over again.. but if I say no, I'll hear his view on what happened. "I'm not sure what's real and what I dreamt." Are the words that escape my mouth. Which were true. He walks over to me. "I'll explain, but first go wash up." He says and hands me one of his shirts and towels. I obey his orders and walk to the bathroom. As I turn the lights on and look in the mirror, I see how horrible I look. My eyes are blood shot red and my eye makeup is smeared all over my face making me look like Jack Skellington. Tears start to form and I turn the water on. I dont want sam to hear me cry. I don't want to cry. I don't even know why I'm crying. It's stupid. The whole night was stupid. I wipe my tears off and get into the shower. I get out and change into Sammy's shirt. It fit me like a dress so I just left it that way. I put my hair in a bun and wipe any extra make up I have off.

I walk out the bathroom and see that he's shirtless. "Oh sorry." I say as I cover my eyes. Although I didn't want to, he had a pretty nice upper body. "Oh, It's fine. I was just changing since you spit all over me" he says with a smile. "Yeah, sorry about that too" I reply with a laugh. He laughs "so how's your head?" "It's better" I reply with a smile. He smiles. "Well, you wanna go get something to eat?" I nod as I put my shoes on. "Oh, here's your phone and purse. I turned it off since it wouldn't stop ringing" he says while handing them to me. "Oh my god. Shawn." I say as I start to remember last night. I turn my phone on as we walk out the door. My notifications instantly pop up. I had 50 missed calls/voicemails from both Jack & Shawn, almost a thousand texts from jack. I ignore both of them. I turn my phone off and hand it back to sam. He looks at me weird. "I don't need that right now." I explain. He smiles and puts it in his pocket. "So what do you wanna eat?" He asks. "I would kill for an in and out burger" I say. He smiles and nods. We arrive at in and out and order. We get our food and sit outside. "Ugh ketchup" I say as sam pours some on his French fries. "You don't like ketchup?!" He asks surprised. "Nope" I add. "Then I guess you can't do this" he says as he draws a happy face on his fries. I laugh and take a bite from my burger. "Wait.. you don't like ketchup, but you like tomatoes." He says confused. I smile and nod. "They're the same thing!" He adds. I laugh and shake my head. "Okay whatever, you're just weird." He says jokingly. I laugh and continue to eat. We finish and I can't help but to burp at how full I am. "Dang girl!" Sam says. I laugh and reply with an "excuse me." "Oh it's fine with me." He says & burps as well. I laugh and wave my hand in the air. "That smelled like nothing but ketchup." I say laughing. "You just hating!" He says as we get in his car. I continue to laugh.

As he turns the car on the radio comes on. The song "stay with me" by sam smith plays & my smile slowly disappears. "Can I take you somewhere?" He says. "Sure" I reply with a fake smile. He smiles and drives off. "You don't need this." He says as he changes the radio station. "Oh it's fine." I tell him with a smile & change the radio back to the song. As he drives, I listen to the lyrics and all of the moments with jack come to mind. I check the time and see that it's almost midnight. I realize that I'm not being fair to jack or to myself. If the events where switched & jack was in my position, I would want him to let me explain myself. I mean I still need to, I haven't told him about Shawn. I look over at sam. "Hey do you think-" "I could take you to jack? Where do you think we're going?" He says interrupting me. I look out the window & see the beach house. I turn around at sammy. "Thank you, for everything." I say. "It was my pleasure." He says with a smile. I lean over and hug him. I get out the car and walk towards the door. I turn around at sam, he smiles and drives off. As the door bell rings my heart fastens. I don't even know what I'm going to say. My blood boiled and all I want to do is go back, but its too late to turn around, because there he was. His face bruised and his eyes were as red, maybe even more, as mine were earlier. He gives me a sad smile and I can feel my heart break. "Can I come in?" I ask. He nods & I walk in. We make our way towards the couch and sit down. "Kat, I'm sorry. Last night was a mistake. I didn't even know-" before he could finish my mouth opened & I blurt out "I kissed Shawn." His face quickly went from heart break to anger. His body straighten. "Wha-what?!" He asks pissed. The way he looked at me made my body shiver and hurt. I no longer knew what his feelings where. In that moment, I no longer knew if he still loved me.

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