chapter 17

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Kat's POV:

        "Babe where are you? I'm at the restaurant already." Jack says as I answer my phone. "Um, yea about that." I say nervously. "Sam is here" he says in confusion. "Wait. No. Kat you didn't!" He adds in an upset tone. "I love you babe! please don't kill him. Muaaaah bye" I say quickly and hang up. "What was that about?" Asks Shawn. "Nothing" I respond with a smile. He smiles and puts his headphones back on. He nods at Austin and starts to sing. I can't help but to smile at him. I love watching him do the thing he loves most. I'm honestly so proud of him. I look at him now and see how far he has come, transforming from a little boy telling me he's going to make it big one day into this amazing guy proving his words. He looks up and smiles at me. "Wait." He says while stopping. "Kat come sing with me" he adds. "What?! Haha no I'm good here" I tell him nervously. "Come on! Please. If you love me you'll come sing with me." He says with puppy eyes. "Then I guess I don't love you." I reply sarcastically. "Kat! Don't be a pussy!" He shouts through the mic. "Fuck Shawn! You just blew my ear drums." Says Austin while covering his ears and walking out. I turn around and Shawn is standing behind me. "He left & there's no one else here. Please?" He says while holding my hands. I look into his puppy eyes and can't help it, so I nod. "Yes!" He shouts of excitement. We've sung together before, many times, but this time it was different. Something happened. There was more to our harmony, there were sparks between us. I gaze at him as he played the guitar. He looks up and looks at me. "Together we can just let go.." He sings and emphasized this part in the song. He hadn't done that before. We finish the song and I start to get hot & nervous. I get up and start walking towards the door when I feel Shawn grab my arm. "Please don't" I say with my back to him. "I'm sorry, I can't help it anymore." He says and spins me into his arms. Before I knew it, his lips were touching mine.

Jack's POV:

        I can't believe Kat would do this. What was she thinking? How did she even get in touch with sam? I get caught up in my thinking that I don't even realize his in front of me. "Hey man." I stay quiet and just stare at him. "Look, I know what I did was fucked up." He adds. "It just really pissed me off how you just left heather like she was nothing." He continued. "Especially when she picked you over me." "But I ended things with her!" I shout through gritted teeth. "I know. She told me a different story tho, so I didn't know who to believe." He explained. "Look, you're like a brother to me, which is why I didn't trip about her choosing you. I just thought you cared about her as much as I did. I'm sorry man. I just want my best friend back." He says. I honestly thought everything he said was bullshit but I do miss him. "Alright man, let's leave it in the past." I respond. He nods and we hug. "You hit like bitch anyways" he says laughing. "Fuck you bro" I respond laughing. "So.. how did you convince Kat to help you out?" I added. "I dont know, I guess she just saw how much you missed me" he replies with a smirk. "Shut the fuck up" I say with a laugh. I didn't want to admit but it really bugs me that she went behind my back and did this. I grab my phone and text her. 'Babe, we need to talk about this.'

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