Chapter 21

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Kat's POV:

I awoke to yet another puddle of sweat and heart racing. I quickly sit up as I try to catch my breathe. That's the the third one this month. I reach for my phone and see it's 9 am. I walk over to the bathroom and turn the shower on. I close my eyes as the hot water washes over me, sighing as the heat washes the soap out of my hair and runs down my back.

"FUCK! That's hot!" I hear someone shout from downstairs. I quickly finish up and step out the shower. I wrap a towel around me and walk down stairs. I sigh of relief when I see him standing there. "You scared me." I say walking over to his side. "Oh I'm sorry babe. I burned myself." He says while holding an ice cub over his hand. I laugh and softly kiss his lips. "I'm guessing my mom let you in?" I ask as I pour orange juice into a cup. "Uh yeah, here's everything she left for you." He says handing me house/car keys, a grocery list, credit cards, etc. I sigh at the thought of not having my mom for another couple of months again. I've only gotten home 6 months ago, after jack and I broke up.

"Another nightmare?" He asks observing me. I nod and take a sip from my orange juice. "About jack?" He asks as he cuts fruit. "Yea.." I say not wanting to lie to him. "Oh" he responds brushing it off as if it doesn't bug him. Even though I know it does. I haven't spoken to jack since I left California. I occasionally ask cameron how he's doing when he calls. I guess jack and heather got back together after left. After that, I didn't care to ask about him anymore, even though he still crosses my mind. My thoughts get interrupted by sam as he wraps his arms around me. I smile as he softly kisses my lips. "I should.. go change" I let out in between kisses. "Should you?" He says as he picks me up. "Yes, remember we have Shawn's event today." I say while he carries me up stairs. "That's not for another four hours" he responds laying me down on my bed. Sam and I have only been together for 3 months but it feels right with him, even if it is wrong. I laugh as he starts to tickle me. "Sam! Stop!" I shout laughing. He continues and from all the giggling I can feel my towel loosen. He stops and sits me up. "Go change" he says with a smile and kisses me. I smile and do as he says.

As I walk into my closet I look around and see something grey hanging out of my suitcase. I take it out and see it's jacks pullover. My smile slowly disappears as I remember the first time i wore it. It was in the hotel in LA. I remember how I watched him wake up and how amazing it was to see his smile so early in the day. God, do I miss him. I miss him so much it literally gives me nightmares. I hate missing him this bad. It sucks. It sucks because I know that all this time I've been thinking about him, he's never thought of me once. I hate how he can still get under my skin. It's not fair to me nor to sammy.

Out of anger, I grab the pullover and change into some sweatpants and a shirt. While sam took a shower, I walked outside the house. I made my way towards the trash and threw the pullover inside.

"Wow." I ear a familiar voice say behind me. I knew exactly who it was, I could recognize that raspy voice anywhere. My stomach fell as I turn around to see him standing their, in front of his black jeep. "Throwing my things away I see" he says with that stupid adorable smile on his face. I just stood there in response. It hurts me to see him. It hurts to see how good he looks. My anger overcomes my shock and I snap at him. "What are you doing here?" The tone in my voice colder than the weather outside. "I wanted to see you" he says making his way towards me. I step back as he steps forward. "Well you saw me, now leave." I reply.. not really wanting him to do so. "I will.. If that's what you want." He says coming closer to me. My back was now against the house door and his warm breathe ran through my body, sending shivers to my spine. "I know you've missed me as much as I've missed you" he says licking his lips. As his eyes met mine, I could see the lust filled in them. Having him this close to me made me vulnerable. All I wanted was him, right there. Just as our lips were about to touch I feel the door open. "Woah!" Says sam as he catches me so I don't fall. We laugh as he picks me up, but his dimples slowly disappear as he sees jack. "What are you doing here?" Sam tells him as he puts me behind him. "I should ask you the same question." Jack says confused. No one knew about me and Sammy's relationship expect for my mother and, well, Shawn. I feel my heart race fearing that they'll fight again. I get in front of sam to avoid fist being thrown and face jack. "He's staying with me." I tell him trying my best not to make eye contact. "We're together jack" says sam as he wraps his arms around me. Jack's jaw clenched and his face straighten as he looked at sam and I together. I could see the anger and pain in his face. "Oh" he manages to let out. He looks at me and before the tears fell down he walked away to his car. My heart racing as he got in and drove off. I turn around and close the door. I look up and see sammy giving me a sad look before hugging me. "I'm sorry" he says as he rests his chin on my head, tightening the hug. Tears run down my face, as guilt feels me up. It was wrong to be with sam, when my heart still had a string on jack.

Never Stop (a jack gilinsky fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz