Chapter 29 (it was you)

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Jack's POV:

As I lay waiting for the doctor, my mind can't help but to replay the past few days. Every second I've spend with her is better than the one before. It's having her back in my life that has been helping me recover faster than usual. & although she says she loves sam, I know she cares for me. Why else would she be helping me with my recovery if she didn't?

"Mr.Gilinsky, how are you doing today?" says the therapist, interrupting my thoughts.

"I'm doing good" I respond.

"How is your memory? anything from that night?" She questions.

"Nope, it's all still a blur." I reply.

"Well, let's see if I can help you with that." she replies with a smile.

I nod. I honestly wasn't sure what happened that night, the last thing I remember is getting out of the cabs car and walking towards Kat's house. I was going to talk to her about I don't know what. Everything after that is black, I don't remember.

"Our minds tend to block things like this out of fear. So, it's really up to you to help yourself remember." she states.

" I want to remember." I reply.

"Okay. Let's start of by remembering the events of what you did that day. What time did you wake up?" She exclaims.


Kat's POV:

"I dropped Jack off at the therapist office since he can't drive yet. I honestly don't know how to feel about our worlds combining again. I love him. I don't think I ever stopped, and I doubt I ever will. But, there are so many things that can go wrong and all the agony that he's caused me.. conflicts me. And then there's sam. He's stuck with me through the darkness and brought the light back into my life and I.. I love him. I love them both. This fucking sucks." I vent out to shawn as I lay looking up at the ceiling. I sit up and see him looking at his guitar, trying to find the right words to say.

Suddenly, he breathes "leave them both."

I look at him confused. "in the end, it doesn't matter who you choose, you'll hurt one of them by staying with the other and since you say you love them both you'll also end up hurting yourself for leaving one of the two." He claims.

As hard as it is to admit he's right.

"Unless.." he continues "you're not."

"What do you mean?" i ask confused.

"You say you love jack, that you've never stopped loving him & I believe that. He's the only guy you've trusted and put your walls down, I mean you know besides me" he smirks and I laugh "and as weird as it is for me to say it, he might know you better than I do. He makes you happy, happier than I've ever seen you be." I smile at the thought of my moments with Jack. "BUT.. he also makes you sad and destroys all the flowers and butterflies he builds inside you." I nod in agreement. "While sam, well he's your sun. He brought you out of that dark hole Jack buried you in and gave you life back. He did stick with you through the bad and good times. However, I don't think you're in love with him. You're just appreciative and thankful and yes you might love him, but in a friendly way. Cause the way you look at him is completely different from the way you look at Jack."

"How different?" I ask.

"You look at Jack the way I've always wanted you to look at me" he breathes.


Jack's POV:

"Okay and after you payed the driver, what happened? try to remember sounds, smells, colors." she suggests.

"Um, he drove off and I started to walk. suddenly, I heard footsteps and turned around." I say with closed eyes trying hard to remember.

"What type of footsteps were they? were they heavy and rushed or slow and calm?" she asks.

"The were heavy and rushed, as if the person was running." I respond.

"Good, what happened when you turned around? did you see a face or anything recognizable?"

"Um.. I was hit. I remember I fell to the floor and covered my head. He was shouting at me, I'm not sure what the words were.. I .. i can't remember." I respond frustrated.

"Okay, just try to focus on his tone of voice. was he angry ?" She asks again.

"Yes, very." I say.

"Was he shouting at you or was he just cursing words?"

"He was shouting at me. He said he had a message from i dont know who.. um, he said something like away. He said stay away! I remember! he shouted stay away!" I exclaim.

"Good jack! what else? anything recognizable?" she quickly asks

"Um, no I don't recognize his face. I hear kat shout 'leave him alone.' He got up and spit at me and he was wearing a gold chain around his neck, it looks like the one sa-" I cut myself off as that night flashes back.

It was him.


Kat's POV:

"Shawn I-" I was cut off by both the door bell and my ringtone.

"I'll get it" shawn says and walks out of my room.

I answer my phone and hear Jack's rapid breathe and I'm quickly alarmed.

"Hey, are you ok?!"

"Kat it was him!" He shouts.

"What do you mean jack? where are you?" I ask confused.

"It was Sam! that son of bitch hired someone to attack me!"

I felt my heart drop a million miles down. I lose my balance and sit down to catch my breathe. "are, are you sure?"

"I'm positive. The mugger was wearing sam's gold chain and told me to 'stay away.' who else would want me to stay away from you?" he responds and I hear the anger in his voice.

I feel gravity pull on me and my body aches. Worried that he might do something stupid I quickly reply "Jack calm down! where are you?"

"I'm leaving the building" he responds still pissed off.

"Kat! come down here!" I hear shawn shout from down stairs.

"Give me a sec!" I reply.

"Jack, get a cab and come to my house. you need to calm down. DONT do anything stupid. please jack." I say not knowing what else to do.

He's quite at first but then responds with an "ok."

I hang up. I take a breathe in and try to calm myself down. Still in shock, I walk down stairs to tell shawn. As I reach downstairs, I hear laughter coming from the living room. My heart stopped as I entered to see him.

"Hey babe, I thought I'd surprise you." his voice sending shivers to my spine. He gets up and walks towards me.

I look at his neck and see he's not wearing his chain.

"Don't touch me!" I shout before he gets any closer. Sam looks at me confused.

"Kat what's wro-"

I cut him off and breathe out..

"It was you."

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