Chapter 26

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Jack's POV:

My body ached and I quieted my screams as Kat wrapped my arms around her shoulder. Feeling her touch calmed me a little, but pain still shot through my body. After a couple of walks, my ribs screeched & I couldn't take another step. "We're almost there jack, stay with me." Her voice is so distant. I struggle with myself to keep my heavy eyes open and continue to shuffle along her side. "Jack! Keep your eyes open!" Her voice slowly fading into background noise. The last thing I see is her hovering over me, screaming at me. Her voice shaky and tears falling hard. "God don't you dare take him from me!" She shouts. My lips struggle and I manage to let out a hushed "I love you" before everything went black.

Kat's POV:

As his eyes shut closed, I felt a piece of me slowly die. Panic over took my body as I heard the line ring.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Please help me! He's not responding & his pulse is dropping! I can't lose him! God please don't take him!" I let out in sobs.

"Ma'am calm down. What's happen?" the dispatcher responds.

"My boyfriend was assaulted and he's unconscious. Please send paramedics to 228 Park Ave!" I reply, more panicked than before.

"The paramedics are on their way. Please stay calm miss." she responds.

"Thank you." I say and cut the line.

I put my phone away and look down. I slowly pick jack's head up and lay it on my lap. I brush my fingers through his hair. "I love you too." I whisper with tears streaming down my face. "Please don't leave me."


I impatiently walk backward and forward in the waiting room, waiting to hear of jack. My heart racing with time and my palms sweating. Everything in me is slowing crumbling up. I feel a lump in my throat but I can't break down. I cant. If I break down, then that'll only make things worse. It doesn't help. As much as my heart hurts, I won't break down.

"Kat?!" I hear a voice say behind me.

I turn around and see Shawn. Our argument that we had earlier brushes off my mind and I run into his arms. He wraps his arms around me and tightens his grip. Tears start to fall faster and the flowers in me have turned into dust. Losing hope every minute that passes by.

"He's gonna die" I say against Shawn's chest.

"Hey.. hey.. don't say that.. he's going to be fine" he says pulling me away and looking into my puddle eyes.

"No! Shawn. you didn't see how beaten up he was!" My voice cracks and I pause. "He looked dead" I add. Which he did. He looked lost, weak.. Now that I think about it, he didn't even put up a fight. He's completely given up. & .. it feels as if it's all my fault.

"Don't do that." Shawn says looking down at me. "Don't blame yourself for this." he continues. "it's not your fault Kat, I'm sorry about everything I said earlier." he finishes. Before I could respond, I hear his name.

"Family of Mr.Gilinsky?" I hear a deep voice say.

I look up and see a man in a doctors coat. "Is he okay!?" I ask as Shawn and I run up to him.

"Doctor, how is he?" Shawn asks after me.

"Are you guys family?" He asks.

"We're friends" Shawn replies.

"Are you his girlfriend?" the doctor asks me. As those words left his mouth, my heart broke a little. I remembered that in my panicking.. I told the dispatcher jack was my boyfriend. I didn't want to lie but I knew if I said no, they wouldn't let me see him or tell me anything.

"Yes" I say, not caring for Shawn's opinion.

"He had internal bleeding and has a few broken ribs, he is also still unconscious.." he replies and I can feel myself break down. "...but he's going to be fine." he continues and I feel a slight of relief. "You can go see him now" he finishes. "Thank you" I reply.

I look over at Shawn and he nods. I let go of his grasp & make my way down the hall. I reach a big glass door. As I stood outside of the door, I saw him laying there in that hospital bed, bruised up and asleep. As I viewed him, I thought back to the time I first saw him sleep and wake up next to me, and how beautiful that moment was. How happy he.. we were. Now, as I watch him lay there .. he looks, broken. I take a deep breathe and walk in. All the beeps from the monitors cause tears to prick in my eyes, but I push them back. I sit down on the bed next to him. I grab his hands and hold them tight. While everything about him was beaten up, his hands were still his hands. I interlace our fingers together and lift his hand to my lips. I give it a soft kiss and let a tear escape. The tear drop lands on his hand and the monitor starts to beep faster as his heart beat quickens. I smile and the only words that manage to escape my mouth are those three words and eight letters "I love you."

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