Chapter 23 (crave)

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Kat's POV:

"Babe! Are you ready? It's 7:55 pm and we're supposed to be there at 8!" Shouts sam from down stairs. "Yeah just give me a minute!" I shout back. I walk over to the full-length mirror and stand in front of it looking at myself. I run my hands down the dress, the black material pinching in at the waist to create more of a shape. I was unsure of the cut of the dress; it has a plunge neckline that makes me feel exposed, but at the same time it was elegant. I hear sam shout again. I roll my eyes and grab my purse. I walk out of my room and make my way down the stairs. I look up half way and see sam with a cheeky grin on his face, making the dimples on his cheeks deeper. "Wow. You look incredible, beautiful" He says correcting himself while looking at me in awe. I walk towards him and wrap my hands around his neck. "Not too bad yourself" I say fixing his collar. Which was the truth, he looks more than handsome in a suit. He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist. He gazes into my eyes before leaning in to kiss me. "Babe, your lips are stained now" I say as we part. "Good, now everyone will know I'm yours, as much as you are mine" he says with a smirk. I can't help but to lose myself in his hazel eyes. He truly is an amazing guy. "Well, we should go. We're already late" he says checking his watch. "Late is my middle name" I tell him. We laugh and walk out. We get in the limo that Shawn sent for us and head off.

When we arrive at the event, there were lights flashing everywhere and people shouting out names. "Cameron! Smile for me real quick!" I hear paparazzi shout. I squeeze sam's hand as our limo pulls up to the carpet. "You ready to make us public?" He says while looking back at me. I hesitate for moment in fear of what people will say. I nod and he opens the door. As we step out, sam moves his arm around my waist. I smile trying not let my nerves get to me. I feel sammy gaze at me and I turn to him. He smiles and places a slow, soft kiss on my cheek. I sighed and gripped onto his sides as i melt into his arms. "I'm so lucky to have you, you have no clue," he whispers in my ear. I smile. I grab his face and smash my lips to his. "Now everyone knows you're mine" I say as my smile breaks our kiss. He smiles.

We both turn away from each other's face and I see jack. Standing there scorning at sam and I. I feel my stomach swirl. I fasten my pace, almost pulling sammy into the building. "What's wrong?" He asks as he sees the panic in my face. "Nothing I just need to use the bathroom" I say. "Ok" he says not really convinced. I softly give him a kiss and walk away. I walk around the corner and see a women's restroom. I walk in & make my way to the mirror and see how pale I look, as if I had just seen a ghost. I cup water in my hands and lean down to take a sip.

When I'm done, I look up and jump from seeing jack standing behind me through the mirror. "What are you doing in here?" I ask with a shaky voice. "I'm so fucking sorry, fuck. You don't know how sorry I am. I fucked up so bad Kat. I don't know what to do anymore." He says walking towards me. I turn around and as my eyes met his, I could still see the lust in them.. along with regret. "It's fine. We both fucked up jack, but we've both also moved on." I say leaning against the bathroom sink. "No! That's were you're wrong! I didn't move on! I still love you!" He shouts walking towards me. His lips now inches away from mine. "Only you..." He whispers against them. My heart beat raced and my breathing heavied. I wanna kiss him so badly but I don't want to give in. He had hurt me and i was still hurting.. melting back into his arms wouldn't change that. "Jack I'm with sam now" I manage to let out as I leaned my mouth away from his lips.

"I'm so, so sorry," he whispered again. The tone in his voice sincere and his breathe reeked of vodka with a mix of marijuana. The smell disgusted me but turned me on in a sick way. I continued to move back but he moved his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Our body's now touching and my strength slowly weakening. "Jack.." I whisper against his lips, hoping he'd stop. "Kat.." He says against mine. His other hand slowly making it's way from my thigh to my ass. He pulls my dress strap to the side and leans down. He slowly and softly starts to kiss my shoulder.. making his way to my neck. "God I've missed your touch so much" he breathes against my skin, making me melt.

Every connection of his lips on me made me vulnerable. I wrap my leg around his waist. He grabs my ass and picks me up sitting me on the counter. "I need you Kat" he moans, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist again, pulling him closer to me. He rolls his hips on to mine, letting me feel how hard he was. "J-jack.." I moan out as he starts to suck on my neck. "Tell me your mine" he says as he stops sucking on my neck, looking into my eyes. I stay quiet for I didn't want to answer his question.

He pushes me closer to him, rubbing his arousal on me, making me hate the layers between us. "Say you're mine!" He repeats pulling me closer. I smack my lips with his avoiding his demand once again. He slid his tongue into my mouth, gently caressing mine. I ran my fingers through his soft hair as one of his hands came to rest on my hips. The alcohol from his breathe blurring my thoughts and consuming me, causing me to not hold back when I moved his hand up from my hips to my breasts. He cursed as he squeezed, rolling his hips into mine. He pushed the straps of my dress from my shoulders further down, groaning as he sees I'm braless. He places wet kisses along my jaw and down my neck, my breathless moans filling the bathroom.

"Say you're mine" he demanded once more. "I-I'm yours sam" I let out before realizing who's name I've said. Jack stops and steps back. "sam?" He says upset. I look at him and all of my rational thoughts came rushing back to me, making me realize that i shouldn't be doing this with Jack. I hop off the counter and turn around. I see my neck starting to bruise.

"No no no" I say trying to cover them with concealer and my hair. I turn back to jack and see my lip stick is all over his neck and lips and his hair is all messy from my running through them. "Shit." I say and start to wipe it off. I get most of it off and walk towards the door. Before I could open it, jack pushes it shut. He locks it and pushes me against it. "You're not his." He says hovering over me. I look into his eyes, now filled with both anger and lust.

"I'm not yours" I say pushing him off me. "What happened 5 minutes ago says other wise" he says with a smirk. I turn around and unlock the door. He pushes me against it, once again. This time with my back to him. He comes closer pushing me further into the door. "You're mine" he breathes down my neck, as his hands wander my body. I grab his hands and turn around. His face in front of mine. "I'm not yours" I whisper in his ear as I lean in. Licking his neck to tease. I smirk at him and walk out the door. As I look up, my smirk disappears. I see sammy leaning against the wall looking at me. Guilt flushes over me as I realize what just happened. I put a fake smile and walk towards him. "Hey are you ok?" He asks. "Yeah I'm fine, let's go find our seats." I reply hoping jack didn't come out the bathroom. I feel sick as I walk in hand and hand with sam, when I literally almost just fucked jack in the women's bathroom. What did I just get myself into? I think to myself as we find our seats.

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