Part 1

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I sat at my desk doodling shapes on my math notebook while staring out the window at the dull, concrete courtyard.

As a person who hates clichés there was no other way to describe Changbin, the schools dark haired, resident 'bad boy' who was arguing with the teacher on something i couldn't be bothered to remember.

It had been interesting at first, in fact, a much needed distraction, but now it was just pointless. They continued to bring up the same points over and over and it was getting hard to listen too.

I tuned out of the present and reveled in how happy i would be if i was at home right now. Somewhere comfortable without having to worry about school or anything social.

"Hey..psst..Felix." My closest friend, Bang Chan whispered, pulling me out of my thoughts, "Are you free after school?"

I turned to him and sighed, "Yeah, i have so many things planned."

"Awesome," Chan clasps his hands together, a visible sign that i will regret my previous statement. "We have a party to attend"

Chan smiles playfully.

"No," i say, "no, no. Chan, no."

"Why not." chan furrows his eyebrows.

"I don't like parties." i state. "Something you already know but manage to keep 'forgetting'"

"Well you also don't like ever leaving your house." Chan replied, shrugging.

"I don't want to be roped into another dating scandal, Chan. Plus, i don't know these kids."

"It was one time!" Chan whisper yelled. "And it wasn't a scandal. You're so overdramatic, Felix."

"As I've been told." I replied closing my book.

"You're coming." He states clearly before
turning his attention to the book on his desk.

I knew there'd be no way around it. Chan was always dead set in his ways. I just wished it wasn't a party. I could've settled for a movie but a party is too busy for me.

I comforted myself with the idea that i would stay for while, maybe and hour or two, then leave. Chan would barely notice since he usually attends these parties to meet random girls.

Soon, school ended and everyone rushed out of the doors in a hurry to go home and do nothing. I, unfortunately, took a walk of shame to Chans car.

"Hey don't look so down, Felix. It's just a party." Chan laughed, satisfied with his own joke.

Easy for him, he was a neutral between the well known kids and everyone else. I was everyone else.

Sometimes i wonder if I'm the only reason Chan doesn't hang out with those popular kids full time.

"Who knows maybe you'll meet a guy." He shrugged, hopping into the car.

I actually laughed out loud at this.

I thought it was funny he'd brought it up. I was gay and people knew. They didn't bully me directly, but made jokes about it. I cant tell if it really bothers me because i'm never around these kids to hear the jokes. Changbin and his little friends seemed to be the head of it all though, everyone else just feeds off them like leeches.

"Is there anyway i can get out of this?" i ask Chan as I slide into the passenger seat of his car.

"Nope." he smiles, cranking up his music and pulling out of the schools parking lot.

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