Part 11

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I sat outside for a good hour. The sun haf set and i studied the colors in the sky while Pico —the name of the dog according to its tag— snoozed in lap. If this is what all Lauren's parties would be like i would definitely come back.

I laid my head back against the wall and shut my eyes.

"Going to sleep so soon?" A familiar voice asked out of nowhere. Pico's head shot up and he started growling.

"What the fuck Changbin, you woke Pico." I complained, petting the dog. For once i wasn't flustered talking to him. But still, we weren't even friends.

"Come on, Felix. Let's have some fun." He said evilly, pulling me up from my seated position.

Pico jumped off my lap and followed me into the house as Changbin dragged me through the kitchen.

What appalled me is that i let him. I didn't fight as we walked through the house hand in hand. It felt like some part of me actually wanted to expereience being a highschoold student.

I spotted Chan across the living room and we passed though. His eyes were glassy and almost half closed. Something must've happened because he was definitely  drunk and almost sad looking.

"Chan!" I called out but he was to distracted to hear.

"Don't worry about your friend, he's fine." Changbin stated, casually. Still pulling me in the direction of a what looked like a game room.

There was a TV on the wall and speakers connected to it. And a microphone. He wasn't going to make sing kareoke was he? My heart started to race.

I looked around the room for someone who could possibly save me but the only person i knew the name of was Lauren. And she was kissing on some guy that was not Chan.

"Player." I mumbled under my breath.

changbin grabbed my hand tighter. "What did you say about me?"

"I didn't say anything." I replied more sarcasticly than i intended.

"I am not a player. In fact, I'll show just how much of a non-player i really am by singing a love song." He declared.

I laughed. He was going to embarrass himself because he thought i called him a player. Stupid, egotistical, boy.

"Oh and you can sing it with me. The song is a duet anyway." He sneered before pulling me up onto the makeshift stage.

The music began to play and i instantly recognized the tune. I knew every lyric by heart and even the dance too.

He was going to sing What Is Love? By Twice.

It was the last song i expected. I'd think he'd sing a hardcore rap song about heartbreak but no. This was the exact opposite.

Nayeons part started and Changbin belted it out with no shame whatsoever. People started paying attention and i was laughing. I didn't expect this.

Changbin looked to me and i put my hands out. I didn't want to sing. But instead, changbin put his arm around me despite being shorter and held the mic between us.

I couldn't resist singing when the chorus came. Changbin giggled. He FUCKING GIGGLED! As we sang together.

I wouldn't lie, i actually enjoyed myself.

As the song came to an end, i didn't realize how many people were actually watching us. They laughed and clapped as we made our way off the makeshift stage.

Just as quickly as my joy came, it disappeared As i realized i needed to find Chan.

I left the room in search for my friend.

After looking for a while i spotted him outside surrounded by two empty beer bottles. Pico sat next to him.

"Okay, Chan. It's time to go." I talked to myself as i hauled him up.

Chan groaned, "i don't want to go."

I dragged him to his car and took his keys from his pocket.

I knew had to drive, i had my liscense just no car.

Chan always had problems with coping. He's not an alcoholic or addict. He just doesn't know how to help his feelings.

I hauled him in the car and drove to my house.

This chapter was so cringey but like kinda cute:/)/)/

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