part 24

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The moon centered overhead as i lay on the hard, wooden bench. I'd already been here a while. The stars had kept me company. The arguing started earlier today so i decided to just leave. I brought a few beers and some extra school work to keep myself busy. I stayed there resting on the bench for hours it seemed just watching the stars. I didn't realize how late Chan was until the loud crunch of leaves brought me out of my daze.
"Sorry," he said, sitting down besides me. "I was at Felix's house and his sister fell asleep on me while we were watching a show and i just didn't want to wake her." he rambled
"It's fine." i laughed. I had enjoyed my time alone.
I handed him a beer and relaxed into the seat. "So you've already moved on?"
Even in the darkness i could tell Chan was flustered. "Nah, it's not like that." but i saw him turn to the side to hide a smile.
"tuh, yeah right," i joked, taking a drink.
We sat in comfortable silence both taking in the scenery around us.
"Everything we had was going downhill for quite a while. It was just a matter of time before she broke us off indefinitely." Chan said. "I like to think, i'm getting over her, but i still can't sleep at night."
"Insomnia maybe?" I gave a light hearted response. I could tell he was curious of my reason for inviting him here but i wasn't in the mood to bring up the topic for 2 reasons. 1, that he would assume i merely called him here for my own selfish desire to get away and 2, my home life was simply none of his buisness. Nonetheless, i gradually began to genuinely enjoy his company. It felt normal with Chan. Sitting here quietly with Jisung would not last a second. Jisung tends to ramble when conversations start to die down. His knowledge of comfortable silence nonexistent.
"What's up with you?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the scenery in front of us. "Any specific reason you asked me to some here?"
"No." I simply replied. "Just needed a friend."
Chan seemed to almost choke on his drink when i said that.
i turned to him. "What?"
"I just," he wiped his mouth, "out of all the friends you have, you asked me here?" Chan took another sip before speaking again. "I just find it odd. Why didn't you ask Felix?"
Felix? Why in the world would i ask Felix? Instead of displaying my current thought i merely said, "He doesn't drink," and shrugged. The thought of saying something rude about Felix left a newfound sour taste in my mouth.
"yeah, as if that's the real reason." he paused, "It just doesn't explain why you've been so weird with him these past weeks."
"Damn, I'll remember not to invite you here the next time i 'need a friend'" i said making make quotations with my fingers.
"No, no, this is fine. I'm just joking."
"Yeah," i rolled my eyes and took another sip. "and i haven't been 'weird' with him. He just never struck me as the party type so i decided to have some fun with it."
"And that's why you kissed him?" Chan asked nonchalantly.
I fell silent, not knowing how to reply. What really was my motive behind that?
"It was nothing."
"Nothing?" Chan turned to me, laughing, "The whole school talked about it! For like a week too!"
I started to laugh but only to ease the weird feeling in my heart. "I hope he didn't take it seriously."
"Trust me, he didn't."
And with that we fell into another block of convenient quietness. Chan seemed peaceful, watching the oak trees' leaves sway in the light breeze but all i could think about was that night at the party. I searched my mind for any thoughts to piece together the real reason i decided to kiss Felix. I almost started to feel guilty for it until i remembered Chan's words from a few minutes ago. He didn't think it was anything, i assured myself. Maybe it was the beer or my lack of sleep over the last few days but somewhere deep inside me, i hoped that simple kiss meant something to Felix, even if it was just a speck of dust floating through his mind.

bro is this Sav updating every other day??? Originally this was gonna be a filler but i think it actually patched some plot holes and brings us closer to the climax of the story!! I'm actually enjoying writing the rest of this story so yay!! Also did you guys notice that Changbin didn't associate Felix with anything negative in this chapter?? mmm love me some character development.

Q/A : Where are you guys from? I'm really curious👀

lastly, y'all should check out my minsung book 🥺🥺

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